
I channeled these words from one of my guides this morning. I have had a really busy day but again I was directed to come back to this and you, tonight, (so your comments have been on my mind all day). I took this photo on Aug.26th. I've been holding onto it, but felt that today should be the day. I just read about your son. I, along with my full spirit team are at his service @tamaralovelace. I'll add my team to the ones you've already got working to amp up his healing. Hang tight and keep talking to him. We will get you all through this. Love to you.

<3 @rebeccaryan I am just learning about the spiritual healing. I welcome you and your spirit team to those already enlisted to fight on our side. I talk to him so much, reading all the wonderful things people are writing. I have fully embraced the healing energies and am convinced that that is why he is making such good progress.

Thank you so very much for using your energies to help one injured boy so far away <3 To me, that means everything. I am humbled by the outpouring of support <3