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RE: Down Memory Lane #3: Remembering The Old Times – Music

in #life8 years ago

Oh I LOVE these walks Down Memory Lane! So much of my young teen years were spent at The Skate Ranch, our nearest roller skating rink. We had the obligatory pipe organ with the creepy organist lol, but over in the corner by the snack bar, there was a jukebox. Many of the records housed in that jukebox were from the British invasion :) I love the music and know well each of the songs you mentioned lol.

I adore your Down Memory Lane series. You do it so well and I look forward to the next installment!! Keep up the fantastic work, my friend :D Go #oldtimers!!


@tamaralovelace, you are an amazing and fun person! I always look forward to your posts and comments. I'm sure we could have been best of friends back then, having a blast and trying all sorts of things. I so remember going to the skating rink but mine was an ice rink instead. It was at the SF Sutro Baths Ice Rink which was really creepy. We would have to pass a window display of a Tom Thumb Museum which dated back to probably the early 1900's and then climb down a massive stair case, like we were going to a dungeon. And yes, I remember that very creepy organ music. What possessed them to play that music is beyond me.

Thank-you for your support. It is really, really appreciated. I'm starting to get a hang of writing posts, so maybe, instead of 1 main post every 1-2 weeks, I'll try to do it more often. This old brain of mind needs a kick start every now and then. Have a wonderful week ahead. I will be looking forward to your next post. You are really an exceptional writer with a wit to match. Thank-you friend for being such an inspiration to me!.... Cabbagepatch :D