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RE: 2 Years ago today my dad died. Things were not easy in my family, but he was my dad. I don't discuss family or personal matters much. STEEMIT EXCLUSIVE ONLY Content.

in #life8 years ago

Awe..that's a really rotten thing to have happen at a time like that. I can see from the photos that you cared deeply for your dad. He may not have approved of all that you did as an adult, but somehow I am positive he was so proud of you on many, many occasions.

It's a shame that you weren't given a chance to gather any of the momentos that should have become cherished keepsakes. It's a shame that you weren't afforded the opportunity to help settle your dad's estate and finalize his life as should have been your right. Yes, these things are shameful, but not to be taken on your shoulders....that shame is not yours to bear.

You are building your own legacy, of which your dad is a part. Everything he's done from the day of your birth to this very day has felt his touch. You, alone have decided how to handle these feelings and I think you have done a fantastic job. I don't know you aside from speaking a few sentences here on Steemit, but I can tell you are a man of honor, integrity and caring.

I am so very sorry for your loss, but more than that, I am sorry for the way you were treated during that very stressful time. Big hugs for you, Barry.


This was a hard post to write for me and took a lot out of me, so I am just writing a basic message back today, to thank everyone that took time to comment on this or vote for it, I really appreciate it, I just don't have much more to say on the issue.

Thank you very much for the support.