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RE: Share your thoughts! One Meal a Day

in #life7 years ago

I can see the potential for this to grow and be very rewarding to the hearts and souls of those doing the giving, & it would be life changing for the person being helped! I live in the Dallas, Tx- by no means is it like many of our poorer countries who live in extreme poverty, & it is hearbreaking to think of anyone not being able to eat especially a child! Where I live we have tons of homeless, under every bridge in downtown, we even have an area named tent city that is under several bridges and the city of Dallas closed it down last yr leaving the homeles families who lost their jobs, homes due to many different circumstances, ended up divorced & with nothing, were released from the military and had nowhere to go, military veterans that served our country people from all walks of life- took away all they had to call home or a commumity ...just because people in power with money felt that they we're creating an eyesore and a nuisance for everyday people or people who chose to visit Dallas or vacation here, our shelters are too full and there's nowhere for them to go- so our homeless lost all- in the last months they have set up in other areas and we have a new "tent city" the homeless people actually go out of their way to keep it clean and try not to draw attention to themselves so they are not "evicted" per say, yet again..when they have nothing more than a tarp on string to call home...myself and my husband and kids donate anything we can from our home,or thrift store or things donated by family or friends- be it blankets, coats clothes etc....whenever we can..I make a point to buy or make food for whoever I can that is waiting outside the whataburger, or underpasses down the street from my work 3 nights a wk, my manager also feeds them if they come into the steakhouse and ask for food, I take my kids and let them donate toys & clothes that they pick out themselves from their own stuff so they can see the importance of helping other children, & how very fortunate they are, we go pick up pizzas and drop them is not a lot but we are only one small family and we do what we can, because prior to having our kids about 15 yrs ago myself and my husband had to live in our car for a couple months because his job closed down and we couldnt make it..he got a new job and we saved until we could put our incomes together to get a place again, but in the mean time we still had our carpayment and insurance and phones and other bills so we couldnt waste money on hotels it was unrealistic- but we came up and then got pregnant with our son and since then every yr life gets a little better! we now have 3 kids and we both work and have 2 cars and all the bills that come along with a family and a house, we have gotten better at saving and are so happy to have survived our struggles, but it humbled us, helped us realise what was most important & made us appreciate everything- it is not something we ever thought would happen to us but bam! It did! If more people came together and just helped 1 homeless family a day can you imagine the difference it would create- I am not saying it will change the world but it will sure help make it a better one! I love this idea, I see some people questioning how they will know if it is going to the right place or cause- this is one of those times you just have to do it it out of the goodness of your heart and hope the reciever is a true humanitarian! All good things come back to you! As long as you do it for the right reasons! I dont need meals or help- I just wanted to share my views/story and what we do to help, and just add that I love how this platform brings the world together...I love it! Surprises me daily!