Cheers in Good Times

in #life7 years ago


Cheering in Good Times

Sharing in people’s joy and high fives, their accomplishment is a noble thing. Positive emotion is the foundation of a satisfying and stable relationships. Researchers found that in a relationship with friends, family and relatives or strangers alike, our response to their good news enthusiastically are more likely to be happy and contented.

The development of balance and stability is part of a restoration of the emotions. When we are not balance, we malfunction. Our emotions go haywire one moment we feel good and one moment we hate everybody. This should not be so in the kingdom of God because there is joy that knows no boundary or limit. That is a gift from the Father. Our joy does not depend on what is occurring in our lives or someone entertaining us. It is from within, the divine presence of God.

Why don’t we celebrate with them? Are we jealous? Are we not emotionally happy? Everyone shares a different emotional experience of their past and present. Some are worse than others. Our mentality and mindset is a factor that will help eliminate any depression, oppression and pressure from our peers. If we change our mindset, then automatically our present condition will change. However, we truly have to decide we want to be happy and joyful. That is the first step.

Change is not that difficult. If I ask you to pick up this cup, then you automatically drop what you are holding to pick up another. The issues of change are that they are so set in their ways, we have to pry or wrestle it out of their hands. Now, they feel the force of change and resistance developed against us because we have meddled with their emotions. We can tell someone until we are blue in the face to be happy, if they refuse or reject to be joyful, it is hopeless. It is beyond saving them. Understanding the concept of change will assist those that are having difficulty changing. We have to change our mindset. Mindset creates an attitude and how we look at ourselves. If their mindset is to be sad, then it paralyzes them to change. We need to help them understand and sometimes we have to take them by the hand like Moses, when he delivered the children of Israel. They were not a happy bunch because the Egyptians have mentally condition them to slavery for 400 years. The shackle was not on their legs, but in their mind. Their Egyptian mentality was so strong that they voided the promise of God to give them the land of milk and honey. The old bunch died in the wilderness and it took God forty years to get to the next generation that is willing to go to the land God gave them. Let us learn from this history.

We do not want to be a victim of change, but to be an agent of change. Whoever controls change, controls our destiny. (Dr. Myles Munroe) We need to take control of change. There are only two that is guaranteed in this world: time and change. In Eccl. 3:1 says, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” Change is good, however, not all changes are good. For instance, if you gained weight beyond your composition, it is called obesity. Changing our mindset will eliminate 95% of our depression, and sadness. Only consider what we can handle and the rest God will make up the difference. It is His will to see us joyful like children. We can start by renting comedies, hanging out with someone that are positive and makes us laugh. We are also to rejoice with people’s accomplishments and rewards. When we are depressed are heads are down, only looking at ourselves. If we lift up our heads, then we can see the world. We can make others laugh and eventually, we will start to laugh and be happy. Start cheering others!

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beep beep

Great article. When I got started with my network marketing business 7 years ago I was a cynical, snarky human being. I found the path of positivity and good energy and have never looked back since. Zig Ziglar said you can get what you want by helping others get what they want so I now live my life in service of others. I help other people find, develop and share the greatness within them. It's so rewarding I can't even imagine a life without celebration, gratitude and appreciation.

We do not despise small beginnings. Your management have increased, because God is after those who can manage. Management attracts resources and money. Now, I bless you to release all that God had hidden inside of you to bless others. Expect it!