== 5 Dangerous Things Children Learn from the Internet ==

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This era is very good if the rental of children to establish internet yes Mother? because for children also need for speed know the technology, very good if you stay watching him ..


On the internet, there are many things that can be learned by Little. For example, by watching a tutorial on Youtube, children can solve math problems, make slime, get tips on playing piano, and more.

No wonder the little one then has a certain skill blessing persistence of information from the internet. As it has been we understand together yes Mother, the internet also has a negative side Thus, as parents of Mother need to move children to not until exposed to danger

Some of the following are quoted from HuffingtonPost.com. When the child is starting to find things dangerous on the internet, Mother need to take serious action before the dangers really ask for it. What is Mother? Let's see post the following

1. How to drive a car
Even adults can understand anything on Youtube. Includes vehicle operation. In America, there are boys beusia 8 years ever learned to drive a car from Youtube. HeThen took his sister to Mc Donald's. Duh, of course you can
harm the child and his sister There is nothing wrong with learning to drive. But it should be never tried without an adult's consent.

2. excavation experiment
There are many games, sites, and science applications that explain the way experiment with scientific methods. Especially if it involves Certain chemicals Some chemicals may choose a reaction sparks to cause damage

3. How to make fireworks
The process of making fireworks too. If it's a child curious about it, he's doing experiments together You or an adult, or you can be understanding it can hurt him and the people around him.

4. Practice using vape (electric cigarette)
Vape can be used by children not just to learn to smoke and also do tricks out smoke, or called Vape tricks. Like blowing bubbles of smoke, magic tricks to entertain friends. Stay in the video or celebrity photo we are looking for cool and fun. But of course this is a habit that is not healthy

5. Cheating
The child may be surfing the internet for an answer subject matter, then diulangin. It is created cheat Cita if he gets it as his replica hers If so, of course the child has cheated. So important for You to explain to the child the answer to an honest and have attitude integrity, even when nobody was watching him. 

then what can you do as a parent?

Communicate to the Little about your expectations as he gets green lights surfing the internet. Included inside is meet the physical and mental security aspects.

Then ask a more in-depth question to lure them come to think For example: Do you think it's safe not to learn something just from the Internet?
Just seeing the video alone is enough to make you smart?
What do you do if you want to do dangerous things?
And other queries that provoked his logical mind to wake up It is an act of danger because it will only do accompanied by parents 


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