What is going on with the bank? cleaning operations before investment?
I will just say that for chineses to decide to raise their children outside of china is a big decision, and that so called globalists will not interfere in those plans. why would you want to live where the col (cost of living) is the highest while australia is so yuge and beautiful?
Thanks, I understand that, of course, but isn't it only the rich who are leaving China and then buying up our realestate so the average Australian will never be able to afford a house? Short term its great for existing home owners who get a shitload of money but once you sell it, its gone from Australians.
I've heard a few things about China, some say they have hidden accounts that will miraculously save the world and there is on old family that controls all that money, but maybe all those at the top are in it together nothing seems to change things get worse as our politicians flush the country down the toilet for their own personal gain.