Representatives of the fair sex who take care of their face

in #life7 years ago

Dry mixtures are preferred because:


1 . No preservatives are needed. The mixture will not become moldy.

2 . Fast cooking. In a container pour out a teaspoon of a mixture and as much water, then stir and apply to the face. In parallel, you can do other things, for example, brushing your teeth or taking a shower.

3 . The components are easily selected for the mixture, which are suitable for a particular type of skin. And they are all natural.

4 . If desired, you can grow a dry mixture not only on water, but also on kefir, as well as the juice of seasonal berries or fruits. These are additional vitamins and nutrients for the skin.

5 . The composition will cost a penny (in comparison with the high price of ready-made funds from the store or pharmacy).

6 . The collection can be changed with the change of the season. And each time take into account the need of a particular person.

Such molecules practically do not penetrate the cell membrane. After germination, complex components become more simple and easier to digest. Proteins, breaking into parts, turn into amino acids, starch into malt sugar, heavy and insoluble fats are converted into lighter fatty acids. This allows vitamins and useful elements to quickly get into the cage.

The mask can be applied only for a few minutes to obtain the desired result.

If you need ready-made products for moisturizing the skin, you can find them on the site.

Medicinal herbs
Next, pick up medicinal herbs. Their composition depends on the desired effect.

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties. It is perfect for inflamed skin.

Mint will cool and soothe, relieve fatigue (an excellent remedy after a busy and hot summer day).