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RE: Superfoods that Regenerate and Detox your body from toxins and heavy metals Pt.2!

in #life8 years ago

Thanks for posting this great info. Not enough people know about these fantastic foods. And even fewer people actually make them a regular part of their diet. I've been eating these for decades, along with daily juicing and mostly plant based diet (I still cant resist a good filet mignon now and then). And I can attest that they are phenomenal for boosting your imune system, which is the true measure of health. I have not had the flu, or even a fever for well over 30 years. And never had a flu shot. Thank you again for the post. Keep up the good work and I'll keep upvoting.


A resteem would help greatly. Cheers!Glad you like it, thanks you for the support! Im new and my posts hardly get seen. Im glad you found me :) I started eating superfoods 2 years ago because of my health issues and I can say for sure that I have benefited greatly from them. And I would like to spread the word about them because everyone should know this information and start including them into their diet. This is a series of posts because the list is so long :) This was my first article you might will like it