Now that I’ve come to terms with the fact that I can’t travel every second of my life, I decided to do some changes in my crib! Redecorating is always fun.
I’ve been back in cold Norway for a week now. It’s been as cold as minus ten degrees here. And I’m not loving it.
When it’s to cold to eat ice cream outside, I get upset.
I’ve decided to give my home a more grown up look. I want to paint the walls in darker shades (not 50 shades darker and not grey), buy a new sofa and throw out some old junk.
Look at my guest room. Completely empty and ready for paint. I’m turning it in to a dining room I think. And I’m choosing a dark blue color for the walls! Suggestions are welcome.
I also got rid of this 100 kilo heavy thing! It probably makes no sense to get rid of it this time of year in Norway, but I did anyway! It was taking up a whole wall, because it was placed in the middle of the wall.
I’ll probably put a big shelf on this wall, but for now it will just look stupid with a table and a chair! 😂
I’m also upgrading the living room! I’m not a fan of the all white anymore!
The kitchen is okay, but I will paint the floor. I hate this floor so much and I’ve hated it since I bought this place twelve years ago.
Some before pictures:
My bedroom
The hallway is pretty dull!
And the bathroom needs some changes! But I’m not getting rid of the bathtub!
I’m so excited to start this project. A friend that’s an interior architect (if that’s even a word in English) is going to help me pick some nice colors and decide on a new sofa and bed.
The house is pretty old, it’s built in 1840...
So I’m definitely going to pick a style that fits the house! I will be posting updates along the way.
Wish me luck.
Men, må jo si at det ser ganske så bra ut nå :)
Hva er det som gjør at du ikke skal reise så mye lengre da?Blir spennende å følge med på hvordan det blir da @Susanne.
First of all, awesome place. I think the 1840 feel is awesome with all the brick walls and the woods. You definitely should decorate this in a way that suites your kind of person. What kind of pictures do you like. You said you could travel any second. What places have you been to?? How bout starting a mini gallery with your amazing wall space?? Your hallway would definitely come to life with large frames hanging on each side and a chandelier overlooking them.. I think your kitchen is nice. You could an awesome comfy rug and a special antique sofa to your living room..Also invest in curtains. They make a place look a bit more prestigious and chic . I am no pro designer so I hope to see what you come up with..cheers
Wow! Even before the redecorating part I think your place looks awesome. That wooden floor looks beautiful and I like the 'bare' bricks walls a lot. Good luck redecorating. I'm curious for the result!
Thank you. I guess it's a good starting point. I love the old floors as well, not the one in the kitchen, but everywhere else. And the bricks really gives the place some soul. Not sure what I'll do about the hole in the wall that leads to the chimney, but I'm sure I'll figure something out! :p Thanks for the upvote and the reply!
I agree, that old brick wall is gorgeous!
wow its nice place and can make comfortable the people of travel
Thank you very much! I think it will look even better when I'm done.
yes friends if any time please visit my blog
it build in 1840 is so old arcticuture! yaah winter season enjoy your journey! keep your home clean and make some changes related wall painting and decorated it!
Yes, it's super old! I'll try to keep it clean too :p
Right now the whole place is a bit chaotic to be honest.
I like all your plants. Your place looks great. Even better I am sure after redecoration.
<3 Love your place! would love to visit sometime to see the result.. !!
Sometimes a person needs to change some things in his life. Changing the decor of the house and decorating it brings joy and comfort to the person.
I really liked your wonderful home and decor. Really nice pictures. I like roses that are everywhere.
This change reflects the strength of your personality, loving change and love of life.
Thank you dear @susanne for everything you offer
your house is so much beautiful and seems to me the dreams house ever I thought for myself
well, this time I can't afford but in future i will try to built the same as yours
Nice place worth visiting
Nothing like the materials they used to use, strong "Old" wood, Brick, Beam, it's just cool to me. I live in an old fishing village, with homes that date back to the 1600's... and with a modern touch they are just gorgeous... thanks for the tour.
I agree the quality of everything was better in the good old days! :) sounds like you live in a very interesting place! What country?
What a wonderful place you have. You could do so much with it. And , I actually love your wooden floors . You should make one of those rooms Red. It make make that brick wall pop out. I have always painted my walls with bright colors. It makes you happy. Good lucky with your project. I look forward to updates. Following
Thank you! I love the wooden floors too, but the floor in the kitchen is different, and yellow-ish.
Thanks for leaving a reply! I appreciate it.
Blir gøy å se hvordan resultatet blir! :) lykke til!
Ja, jeg er spent selv. Tusen takk for det.
your place is nice though
Nice pad . Has been down to -32 here where I live in Canada. So -10 feels like ice cream weather ;-)
So cool to have a peek inside your home! Perhaps a shot, or two, of the exterior in a future post?
I have to disagree with your take on your floor. Those are beautiful wood floors!! You could have them refinished in a darker stain if you really wanted them to stand out. Perhaps buy a few small rugs to spice it up...
I bought a house in 2014 to repair and flip. The floors were awful; covered in ancient, yucky vinyl and faux wood. Once I started tearing up the floors, I found this beautiful pumpkin pine underneath all throughout the house! I hired a man to refinish them, and they became the #1 feature of the home (which sold in just a few weeks for full price.)
On another note, I love the simplicity of of decorating style. I am a minimalist, at heart. I think your crib is da bomb!
And yes, the bathroom needs a facelift. I look forward to seeing what you come up with...
interior designer :)Hey @susanne, until now, I've always lived in rental places. So never had the chance to change much significant in the place I've lived. I'm jealous in that sense :) looking forward to the update she on this! And FYI it is called a
Thanks for sharing with us!
I really like the chair in the first picture of your post. I've been looking for something like that for a long time. But the ones I saw are all super expensive.
Good luck! Skal du gjøre det selv?!!
Nice, love those brick walls, Europe is so nice, still looking for my own place here in Amsterdam.
Goodluck with the weather, almost march!
You have a beautiful flat!
Two things that stuck out to me:
Looks very cozy and vintage!
Not my style, but even so looks great.
I like your post
Some of these pictures look like they could have been taken straight out of an interior magazine. I'm excited to see how the project turns out, and I do hope you keep the visible brick wall.
I am with @exyle, I really like your wood floor, but I can understand you do not like it in the kitchen.
I will eagerly await your status posts, these should be fun!
That is a beautiful house that has the potential to be even more awesome! Will follow!
I just want to say yes to the dark blue color. Dark blues are so lovely on walls. And I also want to say that I love your place, and I can't wait to see what you do with it.
Also, those cold temperatures! I cannot imagine weather that cold. Hope spring comes soon for you.
Åh, så gøy! For et fint hjem du har! Gleder meg til å følge med på oppussingen! Hvis du er ute etter blått så kan jeg anbefale det! Jeg har malt hjemmekontoret mitt blått og digger det!

:) Helen
Good luck... I definitely want to see the after.
Hei, Jeg benytter sjansen og skriver litt på norsk. Godt å kunne uttrykke meg litt på eget språk. Jeg ser du skriver du reiser rundt mye. Det er jo drømmen. Er dette pga hotel anmeldelser? Har du noen tips på hvordan kan legge om livet og reise mesteparten av tiden? Selv er jeg kjøkkenkonsulent, trives veldig godt med det. Men blir ikke mye reising av det. Tar en utdannelse i markedsføring ved siden av. Men helst er ønske å starte noe eget. Setter pris på noen tips om steemit, vært her under en uke og syns det er vanskelig å vite hva jeg burde skrive om.
Oh that's so cool! I would definitely live in that house! That really is gorgeous. :) :)
Å fornye boligen er som balsam for sjelen. Blir spennende å se resultatet. Lykke til!
Well first of all I want to say that your house is pretty awesome even without doing anything. My place, we went through urban style when I built it. There are many styles that you could go through. Wish you the best. N hope you'll share after the completion.
Older houses have a lot of character! It will be interesting to see it when you finish.
such a cute place though! can't wait to see how you jazz the place up!
Why would you want to flag her?
Why do you want to flag my post?
If it was about the steem tag, I removed that because I also removed the part in the text that had to do with Steemit and my SBD. 😇