My Stories #7 - Explore the University of Hong Kong 📖 生活小確幸 #7 - 探索香港大學

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hii my dear Steemit friends, how are you? :) As you may remember, I went to the Hong Kong Book Fair last month. Now, it's August. I wanna ask you some questions: what does late August mean to you? The start of a new season? Or the time when you've already spent all your salary? For me, it's special because IT MARKS A NEW SEMESTER !

親愛的Steemit朋友們:你們還好嗎?:) 大家或許還記得,我上個月去了香港書展。現在是8月了。我想問大家一個問題:對於大家來說,8月底代表著什麼?秋季的開始?還是月光族的悲哀?對於我來說,8月底是個特別的時間。因為......它代表了新學期的開始 !!


Today, I'll be inviting you to explore my school - the University of Hong Kong !! I'm sure you've heard of it, but do you know what it looks like? Do you want me to take you to places where tourists are not allowed to enter? Ok no more questions... Let's go!!!


HKU is the territory's OLDEST institute of higher learning. It's not the largest, but it's the most beautiful university for me ❤️ To visit HKU, I suggest taking the MTR (Mass Transit Railway) to HKU Station because it's the most convenient way. Another reason is that you can learn how the University evolutes since its establishment while walking in the station!!!

港大是這座城市最古老的大學。雖然它不是最大的,但在我心目中,它是最美的❤️ 如果想來港大,我建議大家坐地鐵到「香港大學站」。這是最方便的一個選擇。然而,坐地鐵的好處不只如此:在地鐵連結港大的走廊旁有豐富的介紹,讓大家可以了解港大是怎樣從一所默默無聞的地區大學進化到如今富有盛名的國際大學!



The well-know writer Eileen Chang used to study at the University, too!!



Let's turn RIGHT at exit A2 first.



We're now on the Upper University Street !



Walking along the Street, we can see the Student Union Building. Here's the Union Co-op Store. It's a nice place to buy souvenirs! ;pp

一直往前走,我們會看到學生會大樓。這就是學生會合作社,你可以在這裏買些紀念品哦 ;pp


If we keep walking, we'll arrive at the Centennial Campus (at Ground level). The Centennial Campus, which adjoins the Main Campus to the west, was constructed for the implementation of the new 4-year curriculum. It also marks the University's establishment for A CENTURY!!!

如果我們一直走,就會來到百週年校園 (地面)。它位於主校園的西面,是為了迎接大學4年制而建設的。它也紀念了港大建校100週年!!!


The first thing you'll see is the 3-leveled Chi Wah Learning Commons. Guess how large it is?.........It's 6,000 Square Meters !!! Personally, it is the most contemporary building at the University ;pp It's where students and teachers come together to participate in various learning activities. Please notice that you have to be a student at HKU to entre!!! BUT, you can follow me to see what it looks like!! :)

你第一個見到的建築會是3層的智華館。大家猜猜它有多大?......竟然有6000平方米!!!個人來說,它是港大最摩登的建築;pp 它的作用是讓師生參與各種學習活動。大家請注意:你必須要是港大生才能進去哦!!!但是,你可以跟著我,一窺內裏乾坤!:)


There're individual as well as group learning spaces, including both the traditional work tables and diner booth style places. Of course, there're group learning rooms.






Don't wanna be disturbed by others? The Quiet Study Area is the best choice for you. You can sink into the sofa and sleep study quietly.



No more photos, let's watch a video to know more about this incredible learning area!!!!!



Stepping out of the Chi Wah Learning Commons, we'll see the Run Run Shaw Tower.




This could be one of the most famous photo spots in the University!!!! It's currently under conservation. Looks much better than before, doesn't it?




Next to it is the first and only vegetarian restaurant at the University. Even my foodie friends like dinning here because the food's just delicious!!



Don't wanna leave the University empty-handed? You could buy some souvenirs at the HKU Visitor Centre :) Just some of the examples:

不想空手離開港大嗎?大家可以在香港大學訪客中心買些精美紀念品:) 以下只是部分產品:

21014602_10207756618111671_2100101861_o.jpg (1).gif

Opposite to the Run Run Shaw Tower, there're some escalators. If you go up and walk for about 15 seconds, you'll find yourself in the Centennial Garden!!! It's open to public, where a brick wall has been erected with donors’ names. It's a nice place to go if you feel like relaxing with your friends!!!








Going down to the Lower Ground floor, you'll see the Lee Shaw Kee Lecture Centre.



Walking out of the Lecture Centre, you're in the Lower University Street.



It's the newly opened ice-cream store!!! Wanna try how a 100% dairy and soy free ice-cream tastes like? Come and try now!!!




Going up by the escalator, we're at the MTR station again. This time, let's turn LEFT.



You'll find a small garden with a Lily Pond!! Rumor has it that if you jump into the pond, you'll find yourself in the Chinese University of Hong Kong when you climb out!!! Do you wanna try? No thanks





Next to the Garden is the Sun Yat-Sen Steps. It's named after Dr. Sun Yat-Sen, who is often regarded as the founder of modern China, and was among the first cohort of students admitted of The University of Hong Kong. Don't worry, if you wanna go down, you can choose to take the lift/escalator. But it's definitely a nice way to do exercise ;pp

在花園旁邊,就是中山階了。它以國父孫中山先生命名。大家都知道,孫中山先生曾在港大醫學院就讀,是港大最早期的學生之一:) 別擔心,如果想下去,你不必走樓梯,這裏是有電梯的。不過,這可是個鍛鍊的好機會哦 ;pp



Going down, you'll see the Sun Yat-Sen Place. As serious as its name is, it's just a small open area in front of the Main Library.

到了下面,我們就來到了中山廣場。別看它的名字這麼嚴肅,它其實就是一個小小的、在主圖書館 對面的開放空間。




Interesting Facts: the Sun Yat-Sen Place is known as “Happy Park” among HKU students. It's a popular venue for social, academic and cultural activities. For example, the Joint-university Mass Dance | 趣味小知識: 港大的學生都管中山廣場叫「開心公園」。因為它是舉辦社會、學術及文化活動的熱門地點,例如聯校群舞。

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Here comes the spot of the day- the Main Building !!!!!



The Main Building is the OLDEST structure on the HKU Main Campus. During its early days it housed ALL DEPARTMENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY, including lecture rooms, a library, a clinic, administrative offices, and even a temporary student hostel!!! Because of the outbreak of war, the Main Building was converted into a relief hospital in late 1941.


The Main Building in the old days 舊時的本部大樓 (Source)

It's a monument now. Let's see how beautiful it is✨ !!











Did you know that many movies such as Lust, Caution and City of Glass were filmed at the Main Building?

你知道《色 · 戒》《玻璃之城》 都有在本部大樓取景嗎?

Lust, Caution: the characters are chatting near the pond 湯唯和朋友在水池邊談心 (Source)

Today: the pond at the Main Building 今日:本部大樓內的水池

City of Glass: The male lead at the rampCity of Glass: The two protagonists date

左:本部大樓外的斜坡;右:黎明與舒淇一吻定情 (Source)


Interesting Facts: Nowadays, HKU is a truly INTERNATIONAL University with students from all over the world. HOWEVER, it was founded as an ALL-MALE Institution. Not until 10 YEARS later were women students admitted for the first time | 趣味小知識:今時今日,港大已經是國際專上學府,有來自世界各地的學生。可是,當創校的時候,它可是一所男校哦!!!直到10年後,學校才收錄第一位女學生。

Male and female graduates at HKU 港大男女畢業生 (Source)


Being one of the best universities of the world, the University of Hong Kong continues to strike for excellence. I'm extremely proud to be a student at HKU, and I wish to give back to this wonderful institute in the near future. I guess I'd stop here. Hope you enjoy reading :):) If you come to HK, please feel free to visit HKU!!! Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, comments or suggestions in your mind, please feel free to tell me!! I'll share more of Hong Kong in the future :)

身為全世界最著名的學府之一,香港大學多年來在各方面力臻完美。能成為港大的學生,我感到十分榮幸,並且期望在不久的將來能回饋這所美麗的大學。今天就寫到這兒吧:) 希望你喜歡我的文章哦:):) 如果你來香港的話,可以來港大看看哦!! 謝謝讀到這裏的你!! 如果有任何的問題、意見或建議,都歡迎在留言中告訴我!我會與大家分享更多這座城市的故事的!

Please follow me @susanlo! Thanks a lot for your support! ❤️

請追蹤我 @susanlo!謝謝你的支持!❤️

There are 2 pages

For me end of the August is the time when i have already spent all my salary hahaha....
I really enjoyed reading your full was good exploring HKU with you.....thank you sooo much

Hahaha I guess it's similar for many people...the salary thing... LOLLL!!
Glad to know u like it! Thank you tooooo ! Cheers:)

Beautiful campus ! And you're gorgeous :) Someday, I wanna be there 😎

Thanks a lotttt @billroth! haha just feel free to visit HK some day! It's a nice place. Cheers:)

Wooow had no idea, this university is such a cool place!

Thanks sooo much @steemboys!! Hahahaha I like it very much toooo!


謝謝Helene的讚賞!嗯嗯,陽光下的港大真的很美:):) 有空來香港記得來走走哦>v<保證會喜歡的!


好的!!!!!大歡迎!!!>V< !!!!!

Is it a university or a 5 star hotel?! So amazing!

LOLLL!!!!! I like your comment!! Sometimes when I'm resting studying in the Learning Commons I DO think I'm in a hotel XD

I do sleep in lectures and dine in it, so yea probably~

Nice environment. Ah, yes. I'm sure some people sleep there.
It's there good cheap food there?

hahahahaha yup!!! Air conditioning + sofa = nice dream ;p
Haha yup!!! There's a Délifrance, a Grove and a Super Super (一粥麵) at the University. There're also many student canteens!!! I'll recommend the canteen at Swire Building or the one at Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre!! You can experience authentic Hong Kong dishes!!

Great to see one of the best Universities in Asia. Great visual tour @susanlo.

Thanks veryy much @theia7 :)




這個,討厭,真會說話😌雖然我都快50歲了,竟然有人說我像30歲😌 謝一下哦,美女<3


哼哼,這還差不多😌 謝謝你哦年輕人<3

以前覺得讀 HKU 的人很棒,後來認識我老公他是舊生 ... 又好像是真的 😊🤣😝🙃

Hahaha這個句子真有趣!我都快被騙了>v< 嗯嗯,祝幸福哦😌

This post received a 1.5% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @colmanlamkh! For more information, click here!

Thanks a lotttt @colmanlamkh!!! :)

等我都出番篇中大先 :p



嗯嗯,我好中意個天人合一,中學作過篇寫佢既文XD 多d翻去同d老鬼聚下啦>v< aiii我都快畢業啦TVT


中大日出好靚! 但係我去就一定餵蚊😂

你去過睇?好羨慕!我都想去~你O型? XD

Nice explorer... .., @susanlo.., great post

Thanks a lotttt! :)

You are welcome...

Beautiful place @susanlo

Thanks soo much @klen.civil :)

Btw, When can I eat the same table with you @susanlo.???
Just kidding

hahaha!! ;pp

Very funny @susanlo

Looked great until I saw Bill Clinton.

Ohh no seems that he's really a person surrounded by controversy!!
Anyway thanks for your support:)

So beautifully snaps with beautiful lady inside!

Thanks a lot :) haha!

港大的小美女!O(∩_∩)O~ 学校好漂亮!

謝謝讚賞哦!!>V< 哈哈,對呀,港大也是挺美的!

我又要出篇st joe🤣


Your posts always amaze me.I am very motivated to visit those places.
I am currently looking for information on safe and reliable travel.
Because maybe by the end of this year I will try to tour some countries for a vacation.
Thank you for your post. @susanlo

Thanks veryyy much for supporting me always!! Haha HK welcomes you! And I think it's a nice place to visit ;p
Haha yup we should spend some time to relax!
You're very welcome and cheers @hamzaoui!




嗯嗯,我也是!TVT 可能平時比較忙,不寫帖子都沒發現港大是這麼美的!




現在建了地鐵站真的方便得多了!想當年要擠巴士,還經常遲到,真的很煩人 XD

對呀,有地鐵很方便的!以前我也坐過巴士和小巴,真的是龜速~~ XD




謝謝哦!!>V< haha對,港大歡迎你!!


謝謝!! >V< 有空來香港的話來港大參觀一下哦!

Nice post!
Thanks for sharing~!
Please follow me :)

Thanks very much :) Ok ;p

Thank you for making me fall in love with your University. Wonderful scenery. Perhaps i should visit on vacation. I trust the tuition is even better. Does your University run MOOC on edx or coursera?

Thanks so much and I'm glad you like it!!!!!
Please do come! HKU welcomes you :)
I guess they do:
螢幕快照 2017-08-21 下午9.30.24.png

This visit here for more information! Cheers!

My brother went to HKU and he says the exact same things you said!! Nice post!!

Really!! Hahaha seems that our school is really nice!! Thanks and cheers!

Yes Susan, He was quite proud to study at HKU!! I wish you all the best!!
Followed you!!

Thanks !!! >V< Followed u too :)
Wish u all the best too! xx


系咪呀>v< 我相信會越黎越靚咖!



HKU is one fine place lol
love the place a lot (attached to it and cannot detach anymore)

hahaha seems that you miss the good old days a lot!!!! I think I'm gonna be the same ;p

Nice place to study

Yup it is!!! :)


按下面的小箭頭就可以了哦:) 如果投了會變藍色!(見下圖)
螢幕快照 2017-08-22 上午12.02.39.png

thank you for the tour.

Thanks too :)

Interesting, informative, intelligent post. I'm from Russia and I was pleased to read this article

Hi!! Nice to meet you!!! haha I always wanna visit Russia >V< Thanks for your compliment and I'm really glad you like it!! Hong Kong welcomes you! Cheers :)

very beautiful, indeed, and a place I want to visit. As a publisher I have been to many of the top book fairs in the world, but never this one. I will one day soon.

Thanks SOOOOO much!!! I'm glad you like it!!! Haha I guess it's special because there're many things unrelated to books LOL!! But it'll definitely be a great experience!! It's held every summer (should be July). Wish you can come soon! Cheers! >V<

we are considering moving to Hong Kong in about a year for 3-6 months

Oh really! Wish you like HK more when you arrive! It's a nice city :)

I look forward to seeing everyone in the meetup groups in Hong Kong when we arrive

Me too!!;p

wow amazing photography...i upvoted you

Thanks sooo much :)

好美啊!! 那我們一般遊客也可以進去嗎? :D

謝謝Lydia! 哈哈,對呀,除了智華館和圖書館這些要學生卡才能進的地方,誰都能進來的!歡迎參觀哦! ☺

哈!! 不可以去那邊打擾學生用心念書啦! 不過有這樣的環境是真的很好!! :D

Hi. nice photos of the university

Hi ! Thanks a lot :)

Your campus is so beautiful!! And rich, probably! I mean, look at those huge flat-screen Mac monitors and those luxurious looking sofa seats..I don't blame you at all for sleeping studying there =PP

Thanks for the little virtual did it very clearly and well, even letting us know to take Exit A2 when we come out of the MTR ;) Is there any awesome HK milk tea stalls or good local food to be found nearby HKU?

Thanks a lottttt!! Ohh I'm not sure but yup it's probably very rich! The Mac bar was added recently and I didn't know it until last week LOLL!
You're very welcome :) please do visit HKU when u come to HK!! Haha u can order milk tea in almost EVERY restaurant at the Uni ! >v< Or do you mean bubble tea? There's one called Sharetea near exit B1 ;p you may wanna try!!
There're manyyyy restaurants and food stalls near the Uni, you may wanna go to the Water Street and explore! ;pp

I had your reply open in a window of my laptop and nvr got around to responding!! Better late than never, eh? =P

I fly to HK this coming Monday for a short vacation with my husband..I can't wait to drink HK milk tea every day!! =DD

Bubble tea will be drunk too.. =DDD Sharetea is in Singapore (which is where I grew up)..I've tried it once, though it might taste different from the Sharetea in HK..sometimes taste is adapted when the big brands become overseas franchises.

Thanks for the tips on Water Street, dear <3

Hahahaha nvm!!!! Glad to see it! XD
Oh enjoy your vacation!! You can try a lottttt of HK street food!
Oh really you know Sharetea!! Haha there're sooo many bubble tea brands in HK and if you go to Mong Kok, you'll see tones of them!!

Cheers and wish you have a great holiday!

Thank you!! =DD

Do you have a favourite BBT brand in HK? I love Gongcha in Singapore...there was another brand Eskimo, but it has since closed down, I think..

haha yup!! My favourite BBT brand is TinRen's Tea天仁茗茶!It's a brand specialized in tea making (they sell tea, tea cake, BBT, etc), and therefore (personally) their BBT is better!! There're manyyyyyy branches in HK!!!! Here's its locationssss (captured through their FB page):

螢幕快照 2017-09-22 下午12.45.12.png

螢幕快照 2017-09-22 下午12.45.40.png

I like Gongcha tooooo!!! Seems all the BBT brands are great in HK XD

M goi saai! =DD

Tried Tin Ren..and it was good!! =) I drank lotsa other bbt and hk milk tea in HK, and in China, my all-time favourite COCO bbt too =DD Miss HK and China already hehe



Wow @susanlo ... very beautiful library at the university of Hong Kong, i live in indonesia ever dreamed of wanting to study there. I follow your steemit account, and wait for your next post.

Greetings from Indonesia

Thanks soo much! Haha I like HKU too! It's a nice skl :)
Susan xx


謝謝!:) 很高興能帶你走進港大!香港歡迎你哦:)

Hello @susanlo, I'm steemit lover from aceh indonesia
I like your post, nice posting and very interesting, i has read, invite and resteem your post, I'll be right back, thanks.

Best regards

Thanks soooo much for support me!!! I'm glad you like it :)

You explained the place very well. Very beautiful, both you and university.
You are the first one to introduce me with Sun Yat-Sen. I am from India, but never felt any connection with China, except the conflict along the Himalayan borders. These days tensions are high, and I wish they settle down soon, because war makes nobody happy.
Anyway, I Googled Sun Yat-Sen and watched a short documentary on him. It is nice to know about such a magnificent person. Thanks! Keep sharing.

Thanks a lottttt @sanjay91422:) Glad to know you like it!!
Yes you're right, peace is very precious, and is something we hope to achieve :'( Hope our countries can construct a friendly relationship again :)
Wow I really appreciate that you became interested in Dr. Sun after reading my post!! He's really incredible!! Thanks very much and I'll bring more in the future!! Cheers:)

You are welcome :). Yeah, I know a very little about China, maybe because of the language barrier, but your post catched my attention, and after reading that he is known as the father of modern China, I had to search for the man.
I followed you for more of such posts about Hong Kong. Cheers!

Thank you tooo :) Haha I've also followed you, I like your travel posts too!!! Let's do better in the future! :)

Thanks dear. I feel flattered being followed by you.:)

Naww please don't say that! We're both newbies who have joint this platform for less than 3 months (1 month for you!!). Let's improve and grow tgt! :)

Yup, ☺nice thought.

Please upvote back. :)

Cool! I felt like I just visited Hong Kong. It looks nice there. Do enough people speak English that I could visit there and get around fine?

Thanks veryy much! I'm glad you like it!!!! Haha yup it's definitely ok coz HKU is an English-medium university, and the English level of HK people is high overall (similar to Singapore). So please feel free to visit HK!! It welcomes you!:) >V< Cheers!

Wow! With this I feel i have been to your school and back home in minutes, just that i didin't have a friendly handshake with you while i visited. I think following you will do. Great photos!

Thanks soooo much!! I'm really happy to hear that >V<
Haha please feel free to visit HK (in person ;p) some day!! We welcome you!
Cheers :):)

Oh my gosh! Is it an university? Looks like a mall or hotel? lol, . Amazing university! Super.! 😍😍😍

Hahaha sometimes I feel it's like a hotel too!!! Glad that u like it :)
Cheers!!! XD

Wow it looks like everything you need is there!

Haha yup it seems right!

upvoted and follow @susanlo..kindly see my post,hope you like it..and upvoted it that you can help me on i.t thanks

Haha sure :)

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