One woman, Maria Wilma Ajayi Aranez suffered all her life and she kept suffering till the very end. I watched her suffer till the end.
10 PM Manila time, my precious loving mum lost life.
I watched the last 30 mins of her life as she suffered. They pumped her chest to resuscitate her for 30 minutes because she kept fighting.
She wanted to live
The entire night to dawn on Thursday, there were 3 times, when she gasped for life itself; with doctors and nurses around her trying to stabilize her. I watched!
Several times in these moments, she had opened her precious eyes and looked at me even in her livelessness, seeking my eyes for reassurance of help and i couldn't look back well enough.
To continue saving her, she was moved to Intensive Care Unit, where they stabilized her, after which they started telling me to wait for hours, for my mum's demise. I was to decide whether, they should give her a shock-type resuscitation when her heart stops or let her go peacefully.
I doubt i fought enough. There is so much cheating in life!
Even in her close-to-death hallucinations, she loved like crazy still. She prayed for us. She wanted her eyes, to be given to my dad, a special man, who fell under the weight of his hefty dreams, to dementia and glaucoma.
As she died, all she did is love like crazy.
My dad doesn't know yet! Telling him can hurt is life.
This year was when i had in mind to give my family a first whisper of good news, courtesy of me! In June, i ended up seeing my 3 sisters in Dubai after more than 4 years and all we drooled about, is of how we will have my mum go on a vacation to Dubai and Manila.
We shopped for her while in Dubai. She was happy. She wore those clothes we bought her. She took pictures. She loved to see us; all her children together and she relished that, even moreso, than the vacation we planned for her.
I shed my tears here. I love her because she loved like crazy. She cared like crazy.
She didn't deserve this suffering, after all her years of suffering.
I left her in November 2012, with hopes that my next physical whispers to her ears will be whispers of good news.
In Sept 2017, she had her very first visit to the hospital, for she broke down really bad for the first time and she was seen to have leukemia. I wasn't with her.
I did all levels of trauma away from her, here in Manila. It was unimaginable plus my mum had never fallen sick or visited a hospital except the times she bore us. Overall, i hurt away about my dad's case. It shocked me alot, when i heard of my mum's case.
Then a moment of respite came as she was then seen not to have any abnormal cells upon a second biopsy and sent home, without any medication. This is after she had done around two weeks of an almost unconscious state.
Yes, after two weeks of not being able to talk or walk, she rose again.
During all this period, i was in disarray. I don't talk much or seek help much. I do push alot on my own.
I did trauma and loads of faith alone in Manila. The news from the doctors crushed me as they were didn't even the slightest positivity about my mum's chances of being restored to full life and they told us to hurry to see her, before a demise..
I kept on the faith and i kept pushing, the decision of whether to see her before she passed, to the last minute. On the day, that i was suppose to buy my ticket, i was told that my mum has picked up.
My sister hurried to see her from Dubai!
Yes my mum rose again and was discharged and even declared leukemia free, but only weeks later, she started to fall weak again and her blood count deteriorated really fast.
One day around 2 or 3 weeks ago, she practically walked all the way to Manila on a 24 hour flight by herself, without food or energy. She was coming to see her only son.
She wasn't the mum i knew. My baby special mama has lost her shine to illness and she was no longer masking it well. She was ever positive that she would live.
Hours after arrival, i was in the rains on the streets of Manila, looking for a hospital. I eventually got a hospital and admitted her and that began, my short time with my precious baby queen. Hospital after hospital till earlier today; Friday (Manila); her last day!
I feel like the hospitals played with her but i won't blame anything. I didn't fight enough either. I didn't take her to USA or something.
I will continue this fight
I will continue this fight by loving like crazy. I will not turn cruel. I will love like crazy because even as she was losing life, she was loving like crazy.
There is a ton, we will fix together, even by means of steem because the world can't go on like this, with so much undeserved cheating.
I will keep this short!
I dedicate all my steemit journey and everything other thing i will create by means of steem e.g steemgigs interface, my "steemgigs" witness, untalented, steem-legacies, steemLab etc to my precious loving mama. (another steem app) will fix many and i will dedicate the entire evolution of it, to my mum.
I started to run a full public RPC node "wss://" to help the steem ecosystem, with an underlying reason being; to help me keep going, when i was doing trauma on my mum's bedside and i dedicate this as well to her.
She wanted to be on steemit!
After her death a few hours ago, i was just broken and had to go home and tomorrow (later today), i will go back to the hospital to look at the bills and try to see how to settle it, so that i can remove my mama's special body from the holding room and into a morgue, where it will be planned the next steps for her funeral.
I held her lifeless body close. I loved it, i held it. She comforted me.
I have 3 sisters and i am the first. I passed the news to them. This isn't the news i wanted to bear. Thus, i will be bearer of good news towards as many as possible.
My dad is oblivious to all that is going on. I am not with him either and its going on 5 years. In his dementia and glaucoma state, the only voice who can tame his hurting heart, is my mama. He licks the plate, whenever he eats her cooking. Jehovah guide me on these decisions.
Even As I Hurt
I will restore my level of productivity on steemit as this journey of doing much good, is dedicated to my mama.
These developing nations have to get better.
I love her so much but couldn't express enough. I will keep loving her by means of steemit.
If You Support Me, I Will Accept It This Point Because I Hurt; We Hurt!!!
I love you mumsy. After my bath tonight, i used your towel. I knew your precious natural aroma. It's all bliss; all special
Please Join This Contest If You Haven't. (I Dedicate It To My Mama)
- #untalented-mama: Join In, "Let's Write One Beautiful Steemit Post Each, That Will Invite Every Mama On Mama Earth To Steemit". Every Participant Will Be Rewarded For "Proof Of Heart"!
I do need strength
Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum
If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful, especially in terms of giving me the direly needed extra drive & strength. Overall, there is no doubt, that i have been here on steemit, proven, solid and i will keep on being here! Steemit is in my books and my heart has a soft spot for it and this will keep on because upon it, i kept my legacies and even my sad stories and most utmostly, i get to have awesome YOU.
For humans and steemians, i am all in, for you all
To vote my witness, simply visit and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click!
If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.
For the tech people on steem, like developers etc you can certainly now use this full RPC 256GB public node:
Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on #untalented.
"Everyone has something to offer!"
You have a home on the Steemgigs community on discord. The untalented family is also hosted on there!
I woke up to this very heartbreaking news, we love her but God loves her more, i am sure she has gone to place of rest we where all praying for her while she was with us and we will still continue to pray for her so she can rest well in the bossom of the almighty.
My advice to us all
♡ A mother is a shooting star that goes through our life, only once. Love her, because when her light goes out, you'll miss her a lot, but you'll never see her again.
Please accept my condolences
No matter how we try to plan our lives life always have its own plans for us this is one cruel plan of life, we will all have to face.
@surpassinggoogle please remember that if your mum was here she would not bare to see you broken or devastated and she still watches you from above please remain strong and continue to fight.
Okay hun
uncompensated loss. May her soul rest in eternal peace!Hi @surpassinggoogle, Please accept my heartiest condolences on this
She was indeed a great lady who raised a son like you:

You're part of her and if you keep serving the world, it means that she is living and serving the world.
I would leave you in peace so that you could have your me time.
Lots of prayers,
Thank you so much. Serving the world will now have extra valuable essence
I'm so sorry for your loss. It's especially sad because you are such a source of positivity in the world but I'm glad to see you plan to stay that way. Stay strong.
I am grateful for this comment bro. Steemit has help. Keep supporting it cos its a beauty. i wish i can explain to you one day in person or in a video call everything involved in how much steemit is in terms of impact and fixing lives in developing nations. Steemit does wonders. Will have some steemians visit the burial. Still working on it. Will bury her on tuesday or wednesday. Thank you for everything. Will do more steemit things. The steemgigs interface working alpha will work in weeks and will have new meaning in terms of impact and steemit growth cos i will divert special enrgy to it from my mum who wanted to be on steemit. During the troubled times with my mum, i also started running a full rpc node 256 gb, as among other things, i valued it specially cos it helped as something look up too, when we were fighting for my mum's life. Stay awesome bro. Your comment here is what its about
I know that you are strong enough to keep going in this wold of steemit that I loved it only cause of you spite of your great loss I know u r owner of brave heart ...all my condolences to you dear Terry @surpassinggoogle
I look forward to that call and hearing/telling your story
BiG HUGH I hope and pray that you will have strength during this time of loss.
very very sad post........and thank you com............thank you.....
This is so depressing and I wish I could be there with you to give you comfort. But know that her life was not lived for nothing because she had you and she made a difference in the world through you.
Life will not be the same without her from here on in but I really believe that God Jehovah has many great plans for you and your family with your mother's passing. In a way, the Lord gave her a way out of her suffering and pain in His own terms and we find comfort in this that the God we serve always sees to it that we are taken cared of.
I am not good at this... giving comfort to someone who just suffered a tragedy such as yours, but at such a time as this I know you need all the friends and the comfort they bring. I'm not big with words but in a simple way, I want to comfort you by the Lord's Words itself in John 14:1-3
"Let not your heart be troubled,
Ye believe in God and in Me.
In My Father's house are many mansions.
If it were not so, I would have told you.
I will and prepare a place for.
And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come again and receive you unto myself.
That where I am, there ye may be also."
There is life after our passing. There is hope in every tragedy. Because this old world will become new when our Lord and Saviour Jehovah comes back to take us to that place He prepared for us. And your beloved Mom will be there. She will be as healthy as a new born baby and all of us, with our corruptible bodies, will become incorruptible. There will be no tears, no sickness, no war, no pain nor suffering.
We will all be rejoicing with your beloved Mom and your family in that golden mansion. We shall be looking back at our life here on earth and we shall see how God has led us and how good He provided and protected us despite of the things we believed and suffered for.
Take comfort that death on this earth is a gateway to a new life that is to come. A life living with our Lord God Jehovah in the eternity.
God bless you my friend, my brother. God bless your Mom. Her spirit is now back to her Creator. She will rest in peace.
I am very much sorry for your loss. I can relate on what you feel because I also lost both my parents years ago.
Jehovah help us
I lost my Dad to prostate cancer last year 2016, so I can understand.
I know how hard and deep the heartfelt pain can be.
Be strong my brother and think of the beautiful moments you shared with her.
Reminisce on her smile that comforted you right from childhood till now.
Appreciate God for being her son and pass on that love she evidently showed you, your siblings and others that knew her.
Let her departure be a reminder that you have to be a blessing to others as she was to you.
The future is tomorrow and all you can do is be an example of the good things she taught you.
Energy is never destroyed but transferred.
Live life and be glad that you passed through her.
May her gentle soul rest in peace.
An intensely touching comment. Thank you for maintaining awesomeness in the midst of your pain. Stay awesome
You are very strong ma of God. Note the word "ma of God". Is only God that can make you to be calm and still believing in this kind of situation. God is about to take you to another level of your life. Just watch out.
Mama lives on in our heart. My mother and mother in law send their condolences. They said you should know you have alot of mother that loves you here in Nigeria.
My wife sends her love as well. I told her about you and how you show love to everybody.
Sorry about your loss. Jehovah will strengthen you. Stay awesome
You too bro, it is well with us all.
i left you a PM in the chat but I guess you're too busy to get things sorted out there right now to read it so I decided to write here anyways..
am so sorry for your loss
stay strong!@surpassinggoogle my sincerest condolence..
Annesizlik! :( Yakın zamanda annesini kaybetmiş birisi olarak seni iyi anlıyorum. Annen giderse ömrün gider. Geceler boyu sessizce ağlarsın. Ne zaman mutfağa gitsen sanki oradaymış gibi hissedersin. Hüzün çöker üstüne. Rab sabredenlerle beraberdir. Mekan cennet olsun.
vote for vote
Oh Terry, this is so sad :(
I have been out of SteemWorld due to plenty of things at work. But I just have to log in and offer my deepest condolences and prayers.
I'm sure you are hurting. There is this pain that cannot be explained and a grief that can only be expressed through emotion.
I don't have any words that can soothe you -- but I am sure that you are one of the greatest miracles your Mom received in her life journey.
Again, my deepest condolence and prayers my Friend. Stay strong.
Thank you for so much selflessness
Oh Terry... this is really breath-taking. I can't describe how sorry I am for your loss.
It's amazing that even in such moment of pain where you might be only focussing on yourself, your beloved ones and how to deal with the pain, you don't stop mentioning that you're here for us.
You're incredible, and I bet your mom knew that very well. May she rest in peace.
We're all here for you, too, Terry! Big hugs, Marly -
Hugs received
it is very hard..
My heart goes out to you and your family for this great loss. Our steem mama just passed. @surpassinggoogle's mum is also our mum. Sorry you had to go through everything till your death ma. YOu suffered alot. And just now your son was creating something for the world to be had to go mah. Why ma? I just know you should be in a better place.
Oh God give our brother the strenght to go through all this without crumbling. I already admire your strenght bro. Its not everyone that may be able to type a post at a time like this. SO SO SORRY Bro.
DO take heart! Includng your 3 sisters too. Hope they can be strong. ANd papa doesn;t even know yet? Nawao. Life is deep.
Accept my condolensces brov. EVerything will be alright!
For some life can be extremely complicated. For now, i focus on the burial and hurting, then return to doing good towards humanity as she kept doing till she slept
You need to rest bro. Take care of yourself. And heal the wound alittle before coming back. We will always be here waiting for you. Best wishes for you and family!
I am so sad to hear about our loss. I could tell how much joy mumsy brought to everyone around. She'll be missed by many.
She loved like crazy she loved you and the rest of your family.
Cant imagine what you going thru right now . Just know that I am thinking about you and praying for comfort for you and your family.
Mama was such a shining light in so many people's life. We'll all miss her terribly.
I can't even begin to express how my heart aches for you. You'll be in my prayers. Mama legacy will live on through all the great work you doing here on steemit and beyond.
Thank you. I pray to be able to speak of her love by means of by continous loving acts done on steemit
Yes terry @surpassinggoogle ...we always stay with you...we pray for your lovely mama...
@surpassinggoogle Our deepest condolences brother. She is resting until the comming of our Lord Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 4:13
But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope. For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep. For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage one another with these words.
We see her in Paradise
We surely do brother, we have faith in Christ, we have faith that what he said is true and we have faith that we will see each other there. To fullfill this verse.
1Corinthians 2:9
But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.
He said, never been seen, hear or entered the heart. i belive seeing our loveones there, saved, in a place no more suffering and tears is one of the best experience he is promising us. This is only just a journey to teach us the value of life that by the little time we have here in this life, we feel suffering, disappointment loneliness, hurt, we still value this life, what more if its eternal life without suffer? we will be more greatfull. Dont worry bro @surpassinggoogle , everything will be fine, and todays loneliness will be a thing of the past as it will all be happines when that day comes.
I am moved by your post because I remember how my own mum suffered for us which I will like to share in due course. Its painful that they usually die before you are able to say thank you. We take consolation from the fact they have gone to rest from all the hustling and burstling of life. May their gentle and humble souls rest in perfect peace. Amen.
Amen. May we see them in Paradise to say these thank yous
What a sad story ... at least you all could be there with your mother until the end and show her that you love her. I wish you much energy now to continue your life and achieve your goals.
Keep up the good work here on Steemit also, you are a precious user. How you are handling your delegated Steem power is very helpful for the platform - keep using it to support many small accounts, they will be happy and motivated because of your help. :)
No doubt. i will keep up the good work. Steemgigs interface is in works and i also run a full rpc public node here: "wss://" to keep on at doing more good
Oh Terry, I am so sorry!!! I really dont know what to say at this point and i doubt there is anything anyone can say to erase the hurt but i guess you can bear comfort in the fact that you are not alone in this.. We love you so much and we are grateful to your mum for having such a special son. Be comforted in the fact that she will always be with you and will always be proud of what you are doing.
i can only pray that the Spirit of God guides you through these rough times and strengthens you for your family and for us all... We very much with you Terry, please be strong...
Thank you. We will do good and see her in paradise
Oh no!!!!!! Pls no!!!!! I did pray long life for her! I did prayed she lived even a little longer! Why?? Just why?? Death why are you so cruel?? Leaving the evil men to take our good!???? This life is juat nothing!!!!!! @surpassinggoogle, i dont know how to comfort you for now because even me i'm in a miserabke state after reading this news. Pls in everyting, just know Jehova knows best! I even still prayed for her in my latest post!!! Oh no! Who will comfort you? Who will comfort me? Who will comfort us?? Who will comfort steemit?? Who will even comfort this cruel world? We have truly lost a precious gem! God grant her eternal rest in paradise.
Sun re o, Iya Terry Ajayi!
Adieu mama!
I am glad to see brothers in faith here on Steemit through @surpassinggoogle. Yeah, we all love Terry here, and hoping Jehovah God will comfort him.
Amen. Jehovah will surely comfort him. @iyanpol. we are many here that believes in the existence of Jehovah. We are all possession our possessions.
Switie, i will just stay speechless. She wasn't suppose to die. I won't lie. If you only new the entire context and all i saw, in these days, you will grasp. We will do good and love till satan grows some heart. We'll see her in Paradise. Let's stay loving
Oh No! I am so sorry for your loss! I have been down this road and I know whatever we or I say won't make much of a difference. You are the only one that could make that happen. But I know she is at PEACE. A perfect peace! Free from all the hustles and heartaches of this world. Be strong! Be strong BROTHER. Only remember the good times. It helps. It had helped me. I know this is going to be tough. Please accept my heartfelt sincere condolence. I, on behalf of all the steemians really wish you well and hope you come out from this strong. I won't say stronger because I do not want to lie. May the peace that passes all understanding be with you.
Thank you bro. We'll see her in Paradise. Let's stay loving
I wish i have the right words to comfort it at this point in your life. I feel so sad and heartbroken about your lose. God knows best why this has to happen this way. I am sorry you had to lose someone so important and special in your life. I’ll be praying for you and the rest of your family.
From what I have heard you talk about your mother, it seem like she was a great woman. She did an excellent job raising you. No one can replace your mom, but God can comfort your heart. He knows what you need during this time much better than anyone else.Dear @surpassinggoogle
I am broken. Will love and stay awesome and see her in Paradise
Dont worry my dear friend "Terry"...
Please be strong.... I think your mama very proud of about you....
Words fail me right now, as i do not know what to say or how to make your hurt go away.
A mother is totally irreplaceable. There's no one like a mother.
I wish life wasn't this way. I wish all the cheating would stop. I wish God gave us the opportunity to extend the lives of the loved ones we cherish so much.
I wish God gives us a little more time to spend with our loved ones.
My prayers today go out to you and your wonderful family.
May Jehovah Bless you all and comfort you.
May he give you the strength you'll need to pass through this very trying time!
May he be your divine comforter.
I know it hurts so much but I am deeply sorry for your loss.
We all prayed so much for her.
We loved her, but jehova loves her more.
RIP great mum, you'll be seriously missed and never forgotten by all steemians!
Everything reminds me of her and especially her face, how she agonized before she passed away
Words cannot describe all our innermost feelings. Stay strong
hi Terry.
I shed a tears too. This is sad. Life is just a borrowed. Be strong , your mom will always be at your side. She live with God and happy place. She's watching over you and proud of all you have done. May your mom rest in peace! God bless you, Terry <3
Thank you for those tears. We will see her in Paradise
I know its extremely hard, but your mama is in no more pain. She is in heaven, and God is taking care of her now and she is in paradise watching over you. She is at peace and you did everything you could for her and she knows that.
When my grampa's heart stopped beating and he was brought back to life, he was so mad because he said he was in heaven, it was so peaceful and so wonderful.
I'm praying for your strength my friend and you got my witness vote.My heart is hurting for you @surpassinggoogle and your family.
Really that's something new. Encouraging stuff though.
Thank you for your support,appreciate that.
Nice story about your grandapa:)
xoxoThanks for stopping by @joalvarez.
I don't even imagine how hard it is to lose your mother or someone really close to you but I really, really believe that when you go to be with God, it is so beautiful and so peaceful because of what my grandpa saw. I heard of so many simiar stories like this.Thank you @sunnylife.
So sorry to hear you lost your mother. We've had a couple of deaths in the family recently and it tears you apart. I hope you have people to support you
Thank you bro. Steemit helps as well. My sister just arrived now in Manila to be with me for a week
I know that no amount of words is enough to comfort you right now. I myself couldn't help but cry when I've learned about your mum's passing, because from what I've read, she is such a wonderful person. And if i were in your place, I wouldn't know what to do.
Your mum has such a beautiful heart and she is very proud of you. No one can ever replace her in this world. Just know that all my prayers goes to you and your family. She is now in a better place. God bless her soul. Stay strong Sir Terry! We love you so much!
Love you too. Thank you for the love. So much. Stay awesome
Loneliness put me down when I lost my mom. When she passed away, I was still young. I was in my 2nd year in high school. Felt at sea, I did not know what to do with my life then. I lost the heart and soul to keep on studying. I gave up for two yrs. I found more heat than light from anything I did and had myself most in a life of solitude. Until one day, after two years, Almighty God Father Jehovah lifted me up with my brothers and sisters in faith. They introduced me to His words. The bible gave me the guidance I needed, and my life began to have positive directions.
The LORD himself will lead you and be with you. He will not fail you or abandon you, so do not lose courage or be afraid. (Deuteronomy 31:8)
My deepest condolences, Terry!
thank you for sharing your experience. It is a huge learning process. Your experience helps me learn. Thank you alot. We will see these loved ones in Paradise. For we will have them leave on through us by means of our noble deeds. Jehovah will soothe us
My God! Sorry for this loss bro. I'm sure she is proud of you where she is right now. Alot has been said about how amazing she is and I am particularly excited that she didn't leave without a drop of her kindness and love into you. I consider her "suffering" to be her time of investing so much into you guys. See who you have become, a role model and epitome of love. She has invested, you are the seed, your impact here and beyond steemit are your fruits. We love her so much but it's our joy that she is sleeping and not dead. Stay strong bro.
I so wanted her to stay even for a bit. I learned alot too. If passing away was to happen, gosh it should not be so brutal where someone's shine is completely taken away. She didnt deserve it and i watched, no ropes yet i couldn't stop it. Jehovah help us
Bro. Terry, do you know you already been helped by God. Mama shine will always be with her because she lived a fulfilled life. In case you don't know, you are one of the reasonn she lived a fulfilled life. You cannot stop from doing all that you need to do now because that is where your lifting is.
Mama is always with you, all you need to do is to look in ward and fulfill purpose as you've always wanted to.
You are not alone.
I am so sorry for your loss. You are a special soul @surpassinggoogle. I have been following your journey here - I don't call you to my posts because others need your love more than I, but I cheer for you. You are doing the world some good in your way - and your mama raised you very well. Take your time if you need it. And keep strong if you can. And when you're ready - come back to steemit and we will embrace you with open arms.
You know you are awesome.
Thank you for spotting amazing things about me and my mama and acknowledging and highlighting it here to inspire me in return. Thank you
I'm so so sorry for your loss:_(!
This is my first time on steemit and your Post was the first I've ever read on this platform...I still can't stop crying. Thank you so much for sharing with us! I send you and your family lots of hugs and comfort!
Sorry about the tears. Thank you so much for letting yourself feel on my behalf. We will have beautiful times on steemit
Mother is the most expensive being on earth. No one and nothing can fill the void created by the loss of our dear mother.
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight
Well said
Mourning can go on for years and years.
It doesn’t end after a year, that’s a false fantasy.
It usually ends when people realize that they can live again,that they can concentrate their energies on their lives as a whole,and not on their hurt, and guilt and pain.
I am so sad and had so many emotions that I lost words to type. Warm embrace for you, bro.
Had somebody told you that your mom inspire not just you but many people including me with what happened? My mom for sure would like to fight the way she fought and I, myself as a daughter would want to even more express my love and affection to my mom for I am lucky I still have her.
Moms are the best. They are selfless. They care for us more than they think about theirselves.
Mothers are true hero. 🙇♀️❤👸🇵🇭
Be bless and make her even more proud of you. You did well. Spread his undying legacy, my friend.
This particular legacy will live on. Thank you for the warmth in your comment
I'm always here for you... We understand each other you know that... We have similar situation... I wish, I could be with my mother. In any thing happen to her, I want to be with her...
I envious to you... You are with your mother untilt the last breath of her... How I wish to be with my mother too right now. Everyday when I was in the office and receiving a message from my Aunt about my mother, I always cry because I can't do something to make her smile... I can't do something to take care of her.
Sympathy for you brother...
@kennyroy (Kenneth Castro Divina)
You will attain your desire to be with your mum. Build it up solidly in your mind then go for it
I'm really sorry for your loss. I know the way it feels like
Thank you. The whole context made it really really tougher. Jehovah heal us all in Jesus' name amen
I'm so sorry for your loss, Terry. We will finish what we've started and dedicate this to your mom. I'm sure she will be so proud of you.
Yes, thank you very much
Please if you can go and read my post of today, I am so sorry for you but she will be free of all pain and never suffer again. She loved you all that is so obious from the pictures let her rest peacefully.
Thank you very much
I share your grieve brother, i can only imagine how much you will miss mama, but you should try all your possible best not to be too down and not for long, LIFE have it's ups and downs, so does it have its gives and takes, grieve brother, it is normal, i have been down that road before and it felt like a halt in time, you should know that mama is resting now up there hoping that you get better and move on to explore, flourish and be happy.
I sympathise with you brother
Rest in peace mama
Thank you a lot
Am so sorry for your loss bruhhh...@surpassinggoogle may God give you the fortitude to bare the loss... 😢... Be strong....RIP MoMa
I m broke.....
My prayers with you and your family to bear this loss...
Mother is always a mother....the love is unparallel....
Omg!!!....this is soo sad....sorry man...really sorry!!...take heart😯....sincere greetings from Nigeria
Thank you
So sad, but i don't agree to share this kind of things in this place.
Should be private things, and not public.. atleast with declined payout.
Sorry about your loss.
i feel your inner pain and am so sorry for your great loss. God will console your family on this great loss. voting for your witness asap...
O Loving Father and Savior, send your angels to carry the soul of your servant from this earth to the heavenly place of eternal and everlasting life. Forgive any wrongs that she committed and welcome this beloved spirit into the warm embrace of your unending peace as I pray for her eternal rest in glory. Amen.@surpassinggoogle
May her gentle soul rest in the bosom of the lord!
Stay strong and God bless Jehovah is with you. Amen!Dear @suppassinggoogle, i am sorry to hear about your mom. CONDOLENCE; JEHOVAH is with her, i believe. I see that you are a good son who loves a mother unconditionally. I pray may God bless your hands to work in prosperity. You have got a lot of friends and we here with you. I have resteem your post so that all my friends would be inspired by your story that we need to love our mother faithfully.
your friend
Thank you much. Jehovah bless you too
It's a sad news @surpassinggoogle .May her soul Rest In Peace in the Heaven and May you be strong enough to bear this bitter fact of her departure. She must be a great lady I believe as she was a mother of a son like you .Her departure is towards Eternity and we all would be there one day and meet our loved ones there sooner or later .May you be blessed with patience and strength so that you continue your noble cause of making this world a better place ( full of Humanity ).
We stay awesome, do good, serve Jehovah and meet her in Paradise
Sure @surpassinggoogle.
Terry, after reading the post I was just speechless for minutes. I did not know what to say. I'm not sure if I know what to say now too. But one thing I know is that you are a Bible student and she was too.
Terry be strong for her. This is just one of the signs of the last days. Jehovah knows best. I'm really sorry for your loss, you are like a brother to me. Terry I wish to express my condolence to your family. Terry please do things that will make her proud.
Thank you. We stay awesome ad see her in Paradise
I am sorry for your loss sir,stay strong she may rest in peace now, I also sincerely pray that the Almighty may take her into His care and keep her safe, into a place where there is no more suffering and no more pain. Stay strong, I'm sure she will be hurt seeing you and your siblings suffer over her death. Please find peace in the fact that she is now in a better place.
Hey @jamesanity06 Thats a great comments
Thanks for the kind words.
Thank You For Reply @jamesanity06
Thank you. We'll see her in Paradise
No need to thank me sir, after all, the only thing I can offer you are words of comfort and encouragement. But I also know that no words of comfort can quench the pain you and your family is experiencing right now, may the Almighty heal your wounded heart and learn to let go of your mother, so she can peacefully rest in her rightful place in the presence of the Almighty.
Terry 😭😭☹️ I am so so sorry for your lost. My deepest condolences to you and your whole family. ☹️ I cannot phathom the pain that you are suffering from right now. Our good God please heal Terry's heart. ☹️
Thank you switie
No , no no.
I'm really devastated reading this,
It hurts me in the most deep in my soul, that this happening to you. A great and noble boy. It's not fair.
I will cry from a distance, accompany your sad soul. I love you good boy.
I love you too sweety. Lemme stop at that
There's nothing sad than like loosing a parent or both, no matter what condolence messages I write up here, its not bringing her back to life but I hope it brings you @surpassinggoogle back to a very high steem power and move on with life. Take Heart Bro
Thank you very much