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RE: Antifragility VS Uncertainty . Part Two: The Anomaly

in #life8 years ago

"If there’s one person you can’t bullshit it is yourself."
You could, but it doesn´t lead to anything. Nobody´s good at everything. One of my ex-bosses always told us to "strengthen our strengths" what actually means forget about everything you are not perfect at. And although my boss was talking about business when he prayed that, it perfectly works in private life. Don´t try to fight for anything that´s not "yours". Happiness means doing whatever you love, truly love. And that includes - in my opinion - being happy about others´ success. This is actually how steemit works, too. Give and take.
Good luck and happy weekend!Great piece @the-aline! Catched it a bit late, but here we go, I´ve got still some comments on it :-)


Absolutley! I totally agree. Hell, I even wrote about that a few times, focus on your strengths.

Give and take is how the world go round :) You have a beautiful way to look at life.

And you're right "If there’s one person you can’t bullshit it is yourself." I should've written "you shouldn't bullshit".

Btw, nobody has called me The Aline before ;) Haha just kiddin', love it when these things happen :)