Make the most of what you have in the present, unplug just for a bit and look at the world around you, you might be surprised what you are missing everyday.
Make the most of what you have in the present, unplug just for a bit and look at the world around you, you might be surprised what you are missing everyday.
all people want Good news, so also with me.. heheh, thank so much
My pleasure, thought it was an interesting concept :)
I'd go with the latter. It's true. Sometimes, we never know what we're missing and taking for granted until we lost them for good.
Yes, we should all express our love way more than we probably do. I mean, who has time with all that scrolling we've made one of our top priorities? I only say this because everywhere I go I see the distance between people who are sitting right next to each other. It is all around us, and it greatly disturbs me.
This post has received a 8.14 % upvote from @boomerang.
You are right. Thank you for the positivity.
Thank you for taking the time to look :) Happy steeming!