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RE: Total Collapse of Civilization

in #life2 years ago

By the time they are done implementing all their plans, installing a new world global governance we'll more than likely be six feet under. We can't stop it it's to far gone already, the new generation wants to take control, if they want to live under socialism there isn't much one can do about it.


"We can't stop it it's to far gone already..."

While I agree I will be dirt long before it is apparent to all that the NWO is a fact, I cannot agree that "...if they want to live under socialism there isn't much one can do about it." If all my neighbors decide to open a bank account and dump all their money into it, from which all their expenses are drawn, I do not have to participate in their scheme.

I am certain civilization existed prior to our history. I am also aware of the continuous record of Stone Age cultures prior to it and to this day. This suggests to me that the NWO will never be a comprehensive government for all humanity, because Stone Age cultures are impossible to prevent and impossible to incorporate into the NWO (also note that is not saying ONLY Stone Age cultures are impossible to prevent. The durability of stone has proved they existed at all times, but that is not proof cultures more advanced did not. Poignantly, prior technologically advanced civilization that I assert existed is lacking in durable evidence, not Stone Age cultures).

Finally, I see that evil is its own reward. By this I mean that injustice is not theoretical, not merely subjective, but that the complexity of the laws of physics encompass our cultures (despite we are incompetent to understand and express that complexity) and the rigor of the No Hiding theorem is true for social interactions just as much as it is true for chemical interactions. I assert that our understanding of our existence is inadequate to encompass our immortality and the eventual balancing of moral equations that will occur. We perceive ourselves as mortal because our consciousness is associated with our bodies, which die, and that association is the only means whereby we perceive consciousness. After bodies die, we no longer are able to ascertain consciousness that was associated with that body, and our nescience regarding the application of the No Hiding theorem to our consciousness enables false speculation regarding the cessation of consciousness to be asserted.

However, such assertions are false. Physics has established that information is nonperishable, and this includes information regarding our consciousness. Note that information exists whether we know it or not, and trees falling make sounds whether we hear them or not.

Regarding the conquest of Earth by the NWO, since such NWO is unjust, physics will eventually, somehow, counter it, because justice is as objectively certain as gravity. Rather than being inevitable and unstoppable, I assert it is impossible and the implementation being undertaken futile, based on false assertions and derangement.

I have previously pointed out that centralization is non-competitive with decentralization, that decentralization of the means of production is currently the state of the art in every field of industry today, and it is certain that not only will we defeat the NWO, but will create a state of civil society so felicitous, wealthy, and free it can only be described as paradise.

Okay, I'd call you Mr Douglas but Tarazkp is my Mr Douglas on here, hopefully everything turns out in the end but it's really hard to see it within our youth today.