5 Reasons To Take Time Off From Work

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Time off from work is more than just being physically away from your workplace.

When making decisions about time, you always need to weigh out the pros and cons.

Consider the following 5 reasons why you might want to leave work for the day, the week, or maybe make a decision to permanently leave your place of employment.

Rest and Relax


For most people taking time off from work is about rest and relaxation. When you spend the majority for you day (and week) working, it feels nice to have some deserved time off.

But once you are away from work, it is hard to guard your time to focus on relaxation.

Errands, family needs, and those unexpected life events take time away from resting and relaxing.

If you need to rest, then find time to rest. Our bodies wear down and it is hard to keep pushing day after day when we do not take the time to recharge our minds and our bodies.

Care For Yourself and Your Loved Ones


Caring for yourself and your loved ones is a very important part of life. Every person and/or family has unique needs and expectations.

You might need to take off time from work to:

  • Care for someone who has an illness. You or someone you love might be sick for the day (cold or flu) or there might be a more critical need (recent operation or a life threatening illness).
  • Focus on your children's educational needs. My wife homeschools our children. She strongly believes that her time away from traditional work is worth the investment in our children's educational needs.
  • Watch after aging parents or adult dependents. Often times the elderly people in our lives need our time and attention. Sometimes it is better to be the one who takes care of aging parents or an adult dependent who has special needs.

Although salary and benefits received from a job provides for our physical needs, taking time off (either short or long term) to take care of your needs or the needs of others may be the best decision.

Invest In Yourself


You should consider the cost versus the reward of taking time off.

Missing a few hours or even days or work in order to continue your education, earn a certification, or focus on your side hustle may be worth it, especially if the temporary costs leads to larger long-term gains.

Investing in yourself is always a great decision when it prepares you for your present and future goals.

Make Memories


Taking time off from work is a great opportunity to find adventure and make memories.

Although vacations are typically expensive, there are ways to make memories on smaller budgets. And if you live near a national forest or if you city offers free tourism related activities, then you may be able to spend little to no money.

Making memories is important because you are creating future stories from present activities. Since we spend so much time at work, it is good to dedicate quality time to family, friends, and loved ones.

And don't just take pictures of your adventures. Live them out! Live them well!

Meditate and Refocus


Time away from work can also be a great time to meditate and refocus. It is important to think about your future, and make plans to execute a better future.

It is beneficial to clear your mind of the junk of today and find a peaceful state of mind so that you can work towards a better tomorrow.

Life is chaotic, so if we do not take the time to refocus, we will live in the chaos. And if not controlled, that chaos will control us.

Your Turn

Let continue the conversation in the comments section. Answer any or all of the following.

  1. Do you take off time from work?
  2. When you take off time from work do you feel guilty?
  3. When you take off time from work do you continue to think about work related activities?
  4. The next time you take off of work, which of the 5 reasons mentioned in this post will you focus on?

Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to hearing from you.


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I used to feel guilty taking time off from work but after my first daughter was born, I left that all behind. I actually used my vacation time and enjoyed it! It's impossible for me not to think about work but I've gotten better at pushing the thought away by writing down what I thought or talking to my husband about it. For me, it's quicker to acknowledge the thought and then move on. This year, when I take time off it will be for a combination of rest/relaxation/memories and investing in myself. Thanks for the post!

@teamturnerlive, thanks for the comment. Having families adds a new complexity to life - a wonderful complexity.

I find it difficult to totally stop thinking about work (or Steemit) sometimes, but I am trying to find that balance. Congrats on the latest addition. Savor the time with your little one. I hope you can find some time to relax and make memories as a family.

Meditation is just the best for me.

I am lucky that my job as a teacher gives me extended time without work. I try to focus on relaxing and catching up rest at first. I usually always try my hand at some new investment, hoping one day I can turn the vacation into a retirement. This holiday I am trying out Steemit and love it so far. Great blog. I have one more week off! I needed the reminder to have some fun and make some memories. Following! Blessings

Steemit is a natural platform for teachers. There is a teacher on here that does instruction videos and does very well.

I'm just looking through your feed now :)
I'm so new and excited about the platform haha.

@gatorlynne, my mom just retired from teaching. I always enjoyed having her at home during my school breaks.

The Steemit community is great. We are glad you joined!

Thanks! Tell her I said congrats!! I’m on year 29, hoping I can retire this summer and steem my way through!! Blessings!

Time off work and relaxation is the best way for a professional creative to rejuvenate and recharge their creative juices. In my experience, those who don't really run out of steam (not steem, lol) fast since creative work is the hardest and most exhausting type of work a human can do. Great post, more need to understand the importance of keeping balance in their lives.

@tylerrobbinson, all people need to recharge, but I see you point that professional creatives need to rejuvenate in order to keep the create juices following.

Keep Steeming! Keep finding the right balance.

Awesome post.
Since I started working for myself, I actually work much longer hours. I pick the hours, but man, are they long ours. I also enjoy what I do so that's part of it.

Having said that, you are right about being mindful to take time off.

@adetorrent, thanks for stopping by. It is ok to work hard, but make sure you take care of yourself to.

Don't spend your whole life working for someone else and never taking time to enjoy life.

Once, my boss told me that I needed to learn how to flip the switch between personal life and my job. I came to a point where I was thinking about work at home and vice versa.

Regarding taking the time off, I am lucky that my boss is also a family man and it is not hard to beg off from work from time to time. These days it is mostly because I need to tend to the needs of my children, hopefully in the future it would be for rest and relaxation already! :D

@arrliinn, I am glad that you have a work environment that is family friendly. Based on your posts, I know that is important for you and your family.

Treasure the moments now with your children. It is chaotic, but beautiful.

Literally chaotic at the moment. LOL. But true, these are the times that are so candidly sweet and I will not trade this experience for anything.

Happy New Year @sumatranate! Have fun with the fam.