Ever heard the term "law of the land"?

in #life7 years ago

Growing up I recalled hearing the term “law of the land” but strangely enough I was never taught in school about the law of the land.
I say strangely but there is nothing strange about schools not teaching us about law. The fact is, here in the United States; the government schools removed civics from the curriculum in the 1960’s and replaced it with American Government. The reason for removing civics was the government removed the “law of the land”, which was common law, from the courts and replaced it with codes and statutes during the same time frame.
Common law was simple; if you injured or damaged another person or person’s property you violated the law. You appeared in civil court, and a jury of twelve from the community judged your case based on evidence and testimony of the victim and / or witnesses. The simplicity of the law came from the understanding of right and wrong, what was acceptable behavior and what was not acceptable, but in all cases there had to be a damaged party / person or damaged property.
Statutory law is a whole other ball game; statutes and codes are dreamed up by politicians and enforced by policy enforcers (police). The statutes and codes are designed to generate revenue for the government. Thousands and thousands of pages of revenue producing rules and regulations for the police to use to take your wealth and deposit it in the government coffers. No need to have a victim or property damage, the government claims to be the victim if a real victim is lacking in the case.
Statutory law is so convoluted the common man has no idea on how to defend himself in these situations and must hire an attorney to represent him in court. The courts will provide you an attorney if you can’t afford one. Really nice gesture on their part, your attorney won’t be any good to you since they are being paid by the court that is prosecuting you. As the old saying goes “a dog doesn’t bite the hand that feeds it” so there will be no effort put forth by a court appointed attorney to defend you against the charges levied against you.
Speaking of attorneys, they all belong to a special club known as the “BAR”, which stands for British Attorney Registry. Why on earth do we have attorneys that belong to the British Attorney Registry in the United States? Good question my friend. Despite what you learned in school, the United States didn’t win the war against the British. I’ll leave that for another time to tell you that part of history.
Back to the attorneys, you would think that if you are paying your attorney to represent and defend you that his/her allegiance would be to you. Wrong. The attorneys have to belong to the bar, they also have to take an oath and in that oath they swear to uphold the bar, the law, and the integrity of the court. Having your best interest in mind isn’t anywhere in their oath, occasionally they will win a case for you, the defendant, but that is so the public won’t figure out it is a rigged system. The courts are much like a rigged poker game, where you win a few hands but end up a loser.
Fines and court costs feed this monster called the courts; the police are the hunter / gatherers of the feed. The best way to win in the game of court is don’t play the game until you understand the rules and the legal speak. It will take hours and hours of study, hours and hours of watching court proceedings and more hours of preparation for your case. Chances are you will end up losing, but fighting for yourself in court may be your best chance at winning. By fighting your own battle in court you do accomplish a couple things. You slow the monster down so it takes longer for the court to extract your wealth from you and the other cases waiting to be tried. You also gain experience, confidence and save the attorney fees.
The law of the land, common law, has all but disappeared from our legal landscape and won’t make a comeback any time soon, if at all. Question your congressmen and senators about common law; tell them to reinstate common law, the real law of the land.
The contents of this post are for informational purposes only and are not to be construed as legal advice. I am not an attorney and have no desire to be one.


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interesting stuff ,thanx! alltho common law can contain some mad stuff, for example acording to english common law its perfectly legal for an englishman to shoot a welshman with his longbow on a certain day of the year from the middle of the svern bridge, and on the isle of wight its obligatory for every man and boy over 14 to report to newport square to practice his longbow at least once a week alltho that will definatly get you arested these days! these laws still stand and As recently as 1986, it has been illegal to 'handle a salmon in suspicious circumstances, allso i believe there is a state in usa somewhere where it is iligal to wear fake moustaches on a sunday, comon law is fasinating and sometimes hilarious stuff but unfortunatly with no real legal weight these days unless employed by unscrupulous goverment with all the judges on thier side as the torys in uk did when cameron got in, they didnt win a majority but dug up some medieval law to suport thier cause

Thanks for taking the time to read my post and sharing the other interesting things on common law in England.

good stuff dude, keep posting!