Questions about life. Part 2

in #life8 years ago

Why do people tie and throw their shoes over telephone lines?

In most cases, seeing shoes hanging above you is just a random event, but depending on where you see them it may indicate an area controlled by gangs or a place people deal drugs, but it could also mean someone recently died or graduated from a school.

Why do some people have freckles?
Having freckles is a sign you have fair complexion, a trait usually passed down through families – freckles occur because you have less melanin in your body, a chemical that protects your skin from sun damage, which is why it’s especially important you use sunscreen outdoors.

Who was the first person to discover milk?
There wasn’t a single person who “discovered” milk that we know of – it’s simply an ancient practice begun with agriculture over 8,000 years ago, it was popular in Europe and the East which quickly lead to cow breeding, when it became clear that some cows were better at producing milk than others

What is the distortion of a Black Hole called and what does it look like?
In the middle of a black hole is an infinitely compact mass known as the “singularity”, outside that is the distortion known as the “event horizon” which messes around with space-time until strange things begin to happen – for instance, if you throw a clock into the event horizon, it’ll appear to freeze in time, but if you jump in WITH the clock, time would appear to flow normally, though you’ll be stuck there forever.

What is faster than light?
According to scientists, the speed of the expansion of the universe with eventually outpace the speed of light, but that doesn't mean the stars themselves are moving that Fast.

It's more like raisins on a loaf of rising bread—the loaf is expanding and the raisins are just moving with it. However, the action of quantum-level particles has been measured at 10K times the speed of light! That's ridiculously fast!

What are the prime causes of bad breath?
Bad breath can be a result of a few things: leftover food stuck in your teeth, bacterial activity, tobacco, dry mouth, or even illnesses that affect your breathing or stomach.

The best way to combat most of these is to just brush and floss your teeth while eating a balanced diet.

Do penguins have knees?
Despite their waddling walk and short legs, penguins do indeed have knees.

Their upper leg—the femur—is really short, so when a penguin is standing their knees are covered by their feathers. All it takes is a quick x-ray to see them!

What was the first thing on the internet

The first message sent over the internet was sent from the University of California to the Stanford Research Institute on October 29, 1969. They tried to type the word “login”, but unfortunately the network crashed after the letter “o”. So the first ever message on the internet... was “lo”.

How do caterpillars become butterflies
After fattening up on leaves and other vegetation, a caterpillar wraps itself in a protective cocoon and releases enzymes to digest its entire body.

Within this caterpillar soup though, there are groups of cells that survive and begin rebuilding the mush into a butterfly!

Why do certain people get acne and some don't?
Acne is generally caused by bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes.

These bacteria live in the pores of skin and can cause red swelling. However, only two strains seem to consistently cause acne, while there is one that actually keeps the skin healthy! So those that don't get acne, probably have the helpful P. acnes living on their skin and vice-versa.

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