Hello Steemit friends,
I am currently reading a book about happiness. All the entries given to readers are based on research and conclusions by scientists studying about happiness and life satisfaction.
I don't think that a book can teach you on how to be happy but it can give little guidelines and things to think about that might lead you to understanding and practice on enjoying life more.
Here are the 50 secrets of a happy person
- Your Life Has Purpose and Meaning
- Use A Strategy Of Happiness
- You Dont Have To Win Everytime
- Your Goals Should Be Aligned With One Another
- Choose Your Comparisons Wisely
- Cultivate Friendship
- Turn off the TV
- Accept Yourself - Unconditionally
- Remember Where You Came From
- Limit Yourself To Thinking About One Subject As You Lie Down To Sleep
- Friendships Beats Money
- Have Realistic Expectations
- Be Open To New Ideas
- Share with Others How Important They Are To You
- If You're Not Sure, Guess Positively
- Believe In Yourself
- Dont Believe In Yourself Too Much So
- Dont Face Your Problems ALone
- Age Is Not To Be Feared
- Develop A Household Routine
- Dont Be Overprotective
- Pay Attention. You May Have What You Want
- Dont Let Your Religious Beliefs fade
- Do What You Say You Are Going To Do
- Don t Be Aggressive With Your Friends And Family
- Root For The Home Team
- Dont Confuse Stuff With Success
- Every Relationship Is Different
- Dont Think "What If...."
- Volunteer
- If You Cant Reach Your Goals, Your Goals Will Hurt You
- Exercise
- Little Things Have Big Meaning
- It's Not What Happened, It's How you Think
- Develop A Common Interest With Loved Ones
- Laugh
- Busy Is Better Than Bored
- Enjoy What You Have
- Keep Your Family Close
- Never Trade Your Morals For Your Goals
- Get a Good Night Sleep
- Be Flexible
- Dont Forget to Have Fun
- Focus On What Really Matters To You
- Dont Let Other People Set Your Goals
- You Always Have A Choice
- Have A Purpose
- Money Does Not Buy Happiness
- Know What Makes You Happy And Sad
- Say "So What?"
I want to emphasize on happiness because i feel that we live in a time and era that is labeled to us on what happiness should be like and we go along with it without thinking so much. Some of these little words had an impact on me to how i saw things clearer and made me realized that happiness is from everything in life combine and not focused on just one thing. We here live life chasing for so many things but at the end all we want is just to be....... happy.
I have Hope You all Have a Lovely Week
Don't Forget To Keep Steeming !!!!
Much Love, Suzana
People out there really need the article like this...mostly people work and work hard to get more money and money but they forget the purpose of their lifes that is to make themselves happy. What we live for if we never enjoy it....just enjoy it and be yourself without thinking people around you, who always blame and comment everything on you.
I really agree with your post. Happiness is yours and sadness is also yours. No one can make yourself happy, only you yourself can do that. Thanks for the tips.....
bereh that divote sigo dum dum nan
Thank you for your lovely and up-lifting comments, Yes we tend to run seeking for so many things without realizing all we want is to be happy. More and More isnt our ultimate goal.
I love this. Especially the "busy is better than bored" point. It's very true. It kind of relates to other points as well like your life needing meaning and purpose, etc. I definitely know that if I'm stuck at home for a few days I start feeling down and alone. When I have a few days out, even if it's busy and tiring I feel better and more accomplished at the end of the day. But then you also need to learn to have fun and do things you enjoy and spend plenty of time with your loved ones. I guess it's all about a balance, isn't it?
"Never think 'what if?'" Is a big one too. No point in dwelling on what could have been, just got to focus on what is.
Great post, thankyou!
really a great article @suerisue most of us are really have some problems at certain points or maybe most of the time, and article like this is really motivational and helpful to overcome with the pain. thank you for sharing this great motivation to us, to me :) god bless you .. i joined steemit last night and trying to enjoy it to the fullest :))
May I add one please:

Love this one too! thanks for sharing :)
It is Beautiful !! Thank you
Very interesting and lovely post! :-)
The secret to a successful and happy life for me is to have an objective you burn for. Something so big for you, you would cry in tears if you reach it. It has to fullfil you from the inside out. The best feeling in the world is, when you reach this goal! And that is true and inspiring happiness for me.
That is very deep !!! Wonderful ! You have that fire from within !!
It is always wonderful to come across posts which are positive and motivational! We need more of that in this world - and less of the opposite!
Happiness comes from within and is something that we all need to work on every day :)
Lovely post - thank you for sharing your tips.
Totally agree :D
you also deserve a vote and follow
Thank you
I just wanted to share the living the Golden Rule with you today @jaynie......................Have a Wonderful Day
You are so welcome !!!Yes, Happiness makes a person shine so bright !!!
Very good post. I like secret 45. Let's rephrase it with John Maxwell - Do not let anyone hold the pen while you write your story.
What was the title of that book ?
Thank You @suerisue I needed to see this right now and I am grateful for this posting. I was just thinking about things coming up in the near future and I forgot how important it is to stay in the moment. I am going to have FUN Today. I will also refer back to this list to keep me Centered and on track to Living the Golden Rule....................
Yassssssss !!! Have Fun !!! Live life to the Fullest ! <3
This looks something I should paste on my wall.
Thanks for the great tips.
Enjoy your day!
You lost me at:
I have to agree with makshay5 on this one...I have never been able to see the benefit of of being a strong religious believer and church member. I was born into a churchgoing family, and wasn't getting answers that made sense to me when I was a teen...so I drifted away from the church and have never regretted it or felt any need to get back into the fold. My children have never been in a church except for the occasional wedding or funeral and have been able to make their way in the world pretty well. We often discuss religion, but from an observational point of view. I guess my biggest beef with all of the organized religions is that they hold immutable beliefs, which, however improbable, scientifically impossible or downright insane sounding they are, cannot be changed. They cannot be ignored. They cannot be interpreted differently. You either believe, or you're not "one of them". I prefer to foster the growth of ideas in my children and support network. Ideas are terra incognita. They are wide open to interpretation. They can change at a moments notice. They can be private or collaborative. They don't require tithing. They are limited only by imagination.
Yeah...I'll stick to ideas and eschew religious beliefs. Seems like a lot more fun, a lot less stress.
The rest of the post rocks...it's really a great list.
That's an interesting take on religion. Where I differ in opinion is whether the contribution made to society as a whole has been worthwhile when compared to the downside of religious zealotry. The organized religions can easily make the claim that they created a set of boundaries for their adherents that will allow them to claim a prize when they die (heaven for example). In return for their subservience, they got organized infrastructure creation, codified law, etc. However, if you are not a believer, you are an outcast and cannot win the prize offered when you die.
The easiest way to control large populations is to keep them hungry and scared by whatever means are available. Religion is a great mechanism for this because of indoctrination from an early age for most people. If someone tells you over and over again that the sky is green from the time you can speak, you will very quickly believe that it is green, and that anyone who says otherwise is wrong.
History offers some great examples of people who tried to advance thinking and novel ideas who were summarily dismissed by the church and exiled or worse. In many cases, they were later vindicated and in a sense pardoned by the church.
The idea that religious people are peace loving and god fearing productive members of society can be disproven in a thousand different ways. All religions are by design a control mechanism. When control is maintained, innovation and idea spreading are stifled. When a person prostrates themself before an invisible master because they are told to do so by a control manager in the church, they are giving up a part of their humanity. When they attack another religion because a control manager tells them to kill all the infidels because "god" wants them to, they not only lose their own humanity, they steal their victims and their families humanity in the process.
I could go on and on, but I have dragons to slay elsewhere....
thx for reading
Religion can show us the way in a world in which bad things happen. It can teach us that much of what see is so complex we cannot understand why and how it occur.
There are so many mystery in the world, everywhere there are questions. Religion offers answers, consistency and HOPE !!! and This point doesn't only emphasis on religious necessary but to hold your values and believes strongly. I myself don't have a religion, but i do have things i believe in deeply and it does keep me at peace. :)
You don't need religion for any of that. You can set your own goals and not be required to meet anyone else's expectations; which is all religion is, other people's expectations.
I know plenty of non-religious people I couldnt count one nihilist amongst them.
Religion requires all kinds of additional burdens over and above setting some standardized life milestones, the cost is very high (submitting your mind to external control) for minimal return (knowing you met someone elses goals).
I don't mean to sound confrontational, but religion is (in my view) very damaging; it prevents people from asking questions about what is right, by prescribing what is right.
^All of this.
And this:
Those are great happiness advise tips for sure but the bottom line is - Happiness is a choice in life. How one responds in every moment is our choice.
So I say choose happiness and nothing can stand in your way. It is a super powerful emotion that can spread like wild fire. So keep laughing smiling and sharing good vibes - from choice xxx
Following you
Hi -
Firstly, I think before we talk about 'how to be happy', we need to define more precisely what we mean by happiness, as the word has a very broad meaning. I think we need to distinguish between the following 4 axis (at least):
‘Aroused’ compared to ‘unaroused’ happiness – or ‘intense, excited peak experience’ happiness compared to calm, contented happiness.
Immediate ‘in the moment happiness’ compared ‘reflective’ happiness – or felt happiness right now compared to our analysis of how happy we are in general.
Happiness as pleasure compared to ‘eudaemonic’ happiness – Or happiness derived from immediate gratification compared to the happiness we derive from striving and possibly suffering to achieve our potential.
Egocentric notions of happiness compared to egoless ideals of happiness – or the happiness derived from ‘gratifying myself’ compared to happiness derived from losing myself.
Personally the only happiness I'm interested in is unaroused, reflective, eudamonic, egoless happiness...
To be fair most of your list is conducive to achieving these things, some aren't.
Secondly, massive lists of 50 things certainly don't make me happy - I find massive lists quite lazy, you should make more effort to reduce, reduce and reduce, developing some more general categories AND some reference to how you've made your selections.
By all means include the original 50 and show us how you narrowed them down.
Cheers medeers, and here's hoping you're dwelling in meaningful happiness!
We all view happiness differently, Thank you for sharing your viewpoint. They are very interesting and useful. This is what i read from this book. I am sure that this isn't all that makes a person, there're so many things that can simple makes a person happy. The point is remembering to be happy and have that big beautiful heart open to receive it. :)
great information
Following at least 10 of those points and your life will change significantly..agree, upvoted! Have a gerat day!
Probably the hardest of all but one and only source of joy is 'contentment'.
Hai suerisue ,Incredible postings, a motivation for me in running the wheel of life of this world, very nice greetings from @amre
My favorites
Ofcouse these are not the only things that will make anyone happy but we humans depend so much on things and people around us that these 50 secrets/rules will surely help and make most of us happy. Words are real power, words can break us, words can make us.
Resteemed and 100% upvoted.
Read here how the new bot from Berlin works.
thank's you re great ^_^
50 happy secrets?? haha nah joking thnx alot honey bun
I believe that only one secret is enough for happiness i.e
nice cartoon upvoted and followed if you like can do the same thank you.
I really enjoy seeing posts like these. It always helps to boost my spirits and keeps me focused on the things that matter. Great post! Upvoted, resteemed, and followed!
So glad to hear this !!! keep on your amazing energy !!!
wow thank you for posting on steemit
That is a long list of items to remember Sue!
Thank you for sharing and reminder Me . :)
I try and be positive all the time and when i see people being negative i always say. "You are breathing and healthy". "Step it up and enjoy life you killjoy " it works most of the time ha ha
That's a very good way of looking at it... Thank you for sharing this. Means a lot !!
You are very welcome :)
happy (adj.) Look up happy at Dictionary.com
late 14c., "lucky, favored by fortune, being in advantageous circumstances, prosperous;" of events, "turning out well," from hap (n.) "chance, fortune" + -y (2). Sense of "very glad" first recorded late 14c. Meaning "greatly pleased and content" is from 1520s. Old English had eadig (from ead "wealth, riches") and gesælig, which has become silly. Old English bliðe "happy" survives as blithe. From Greek to Irish, a great majority of the European words for "happy" at first meant "lucky." An exception is Welsh, where the word used first meant "wise."
Thank you for your interesting information. Happiness means so many things.
Very informative... thanks.
I agree on all 50.
this is very true! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing this great info here.
As you said a book gives guidelines and we have to do the action on the guidelines.
Also these guidelines have been of help to me
3.You Dont Have To Win Everytime
13.Be Open To New Ideas
16.Believe In Yourself
Thanks for all the guidelines .
Thank you for sharing. I agree that happiness is what you make of life. How you see others and how you treat others. I make a point of smiling at people in the streets or in shopping centers and you will be amazed at how peoples faces lit up when you give them a friendly smile and a "good morning" wish. Have a lovely day and thank you again for sharing.
A very important one :
Whenever you happend to have a bad day or to be in a tough situation never forget that between this problem and your response there is freedom of choice (it is you who choose the reaction to a tough situation not the situation itself)
Impressive Sharing, Enjoy with my vote
เยี่ยมเลยค่ะ:) ขอบคุณสำหรับโพสดีๆจ้า เป็นการให้กำลังใจตัวเองได้ดีมาก บางครั้งเราคิดว่า เป้าหมายหรือความฝันมันอยู่ไกลมาก ถึงยังไงเราตั้งใจทำและลองทำมัน คิดว่า ความฝันหรือเป้าหมายนั้นคงอยู่ไม่ไกลเกินเอื้อม
ชอบประโยคนี้ You always have a choice เรามีทางเลือกเสมอ
Have a great day @suerisue
ขอบคุณนะค่ะ ใช่ ตราดใด ที่เรายังมีความหวัง มีแรงบันดานใจ มีความคิดในทางที่ดี สิ่งดีๆก็จะเข้าสู่ชีวิตเรา สู้ๆนะค่ะ เป็นกำลังใจให้ทุกคน <3
Excellent article to get happiness is needed to use a particular mentality I have mentioned all the points that must be thought and work in style Thank you article in the top of the magnificence worth more than Applvot and follow up I wish more of these contracts Azizi
50 is quite a large number, I think you could probably bunch a few of these together, attitude and thought process being the most valuable in my opinion. Good share though, always good to see good, positive advice
Yes 50 is a lot,...... you dont need all to be happy... just listen to what your hearts says that keeps your soul happy. :)
I find it very motivational... Thank you for the post..
Cool very nice
hope this will help me.. thanks for the post.. upvoted and followed.. hope you will too.. :)
great job.
Always be content with whatever you have is the secret for everyone
Those are some great tips to being happy. What I find works for me is love and positivity . No matter what happens am always hopeful and expecting the best everyday :)
Since I have discovered secret No. 51 I am gonna follow and upvote. Hope you find the time to read my posts.Hello @suerisue let me add secret No.51....Regularly Reading the posts by @suerisue
Sure that's a pack of wise guidelines to a happy life, liked number 33. "Little Things Have Big Meaning" it just directly speaks of the need to 'always' read between the lines to get the most information out of any activity, conversation, speech, post or even in the news, that is to pay particular attention in small matters. It honestly has been a key to make kids happy since they cannot easily articulate their concerns until I personally read their non verbal language.
The only beautiful aspect of this post is you. very pretty you are! stay blessed.