tea has become a part of life that is attached quite closely to the community. Tea also offers a variety of properties that are good for health. So, no wonder if many people who are used to drinking several cups of tea in one day. However, drinking too much tea risks causing various side effects that can not be underestimated just like that. The health effects of most tea drinking depend on the type of tea you consume frequently and the process of making a cup of tea is not as easy as it seems. Tea is a beverage processed from the dried Camellia sinensis leaf. Then the tea leaves that have been dried will go through different oxidation process. This is what distinguishes one type of tea from another. In general, this stimulant substance does have properties of opium so you will be difficult to stop or reduce the amount of tea consumption in one day. People who are already dependent will have difficulty concentrating, weakness, and headache when trying to reduce the consumption of beverages with these stimulant substances
photo taken by @struggle315 with samsung galaxy smartphone S8
photo taken by @struggle315 with samsung galaxy smartphone S8
photo taken by @struggle315 with samsung galaxy smartphone S8
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