Yeah, it is a difficult situation, so it's good to see that I'm not alone.
I think letting go, or creating some mechanic of balance.. like days on days off as @nanybriti alluded to.. might be the way forward.. but hey, If I make headway, I'll let you know. Please update me if you find a way through ;)
Thanks for stoppin by.
Yeah, mate.
I kinda feel burnt out lately, with so much colliding pressures from anywhere.
I wish there's a pause button here. 😭
I'm starting to think that 'succumbing' to the pressure, rather than fighting it, can eliminate stress.. i know it sound counter intuitive.. but i think a lot of the stress that burns us out comes from a disconnect between our expectations vs environment.. what we want is not matching where we are.. either we can change our environment to get what we want.. or we can reevaluate what we want, so that it more feasibly aligns with where we are.
I dunno.. but I do agree..a pause button would be nice :)
Ah, I see you got some psychology approach there. It's my major anyway 🤣.
Yeah, in psychology we learn that almost every cognitive stress cause is the internal conflict between our ideal image of life (expectation) vs our real life.
Years ago, Switchfood made a damn good song about this, it's called 'Dare You To Move'.
And it's always be my comfort song, when I pulled and unplugged my self out of this world for a while.
But I realized, every time I come back to face 'Life', I become stronger. Unfortunately, on the other side, Life just kinda trolling me and upgrade my life challenges! 🥴
Let's see how this gonna play out. 😅🍻