How To Get Back On A Horse

in #life8 years ago (edited)

This is an updated post that originally appeared
on my blog at

The only thing I am better at than failing is getting back up.

So no one told you life was gonna be this way…

But it is.

The thing about it is that we can lament it or embrace it.

If you are like me you have plans and goals and hopes and dreams. Then you wake up and spend all day doing anything except for things that will move the ball closer to the goal line.

A new sandwich is available at a fast food place…

A new season of a show is about to be available on Netflix…

A million online articles are shared on Steemit, Facebook and on Twitter…

The distractions in life are many.

When I realized that “I do not understand what I am doing, because I do not practice what I want to do, but I do what I hate” then I stop and look around at what happened and what I can do about it.

That’s where I have found myself again.


Here are 3 things I have done and plan on doing again to get back on the horse that is the right track in my life:

A) Start Small

Stacking together small victories adds up to one big accomplishment.

I can’t go from zero to 100 because I will certainly fall again.

Instead, I try to do things a small bit at a time.

James Altucher recommends trying to improve 1% every day.

Doing something to add to my “win” column reminds me that I don’t totally suck at everything.

Which helps me to:

B) Think Different

Usually I end up on the ground after thinking I can “get away” with certain things.

I think that I can eat something that’s not good for me and I will be fine.

Then I have gas.

When I pretend that something that is “not okay” is, then I am only fooling myself.

And not well.

I have to stop and think about the REAL effects of my actions and behaviors.

What has happened before when I did this?

Do I want it to happen again?

Personal experience assures me that it will.

But if I don’t want the same results, then I need to do something different.

And my thoughts are the impetus to my actions.

I need to be transformed by the renewing of my mind.

C) Relax

Just like I can’t go from zero to 100, I can’t go from zero to hero.

Sorry Lori Greiner…

I have to go from zero to one.

Thanks Peter Thiel.

To do this I need to relax.



And take the first step.

And if you want any help, I’ll be there for you.


Written by Michael Paine

Please follow me, @strangerarray, because you can learn from my mistakes.

Also feel free to send donations to: PayPal.Me/michaelpaine because money makes the world go ‘round.

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Life is not a destination but a race to be run. Life is not measure by how many times we fall but how many times we get back up and keep going. No matter how many times life has knocked us down, get back up dust yourself and keep moving forward.


Yes, I often view life as a journey and the people I meet along the way start as an array of strangers, but could end up friends.

For we are strangers before you and sojourners, as all our fathers were. Our days on the earth are like a shadow

Knock down seven times, get up eight... might get a tattoo of that!