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RE: Let's Talk About What We Aren't Supposed To Talk About... Religion!

in #life8 years ago

Well, really if we think about it for a moment God the father, the son, and the holy spirit are one in the same or at least that's what I was taught so in essence God himself came down as Jesus and had himself murdered by man for our sins. Now, as strange as this sounds even more strange to me would be that he wrote that way before it happened due to him knowing all. He knew I was going to write this today before he created the Earth. So in fact if he knows all and created all that would include all good and bad we experience and perceive here in this realm or could it be that this is just life? We are all part of the "source" here learning through experiences and taking that knowledge back to the source where eventually we will reside. But, to condemn ourselves for these experiences whether good or bad while we are here is not part of my mind set or beliefs and only cripples ones growth. Karma is real in my belief and will come back on one in one form or another but the idea of eternal damnation from yet another one of man's god and his creations isn't. Jeff's right that religion and politics seem to be taboo. It's good to see a post where people can relay their feelings/thoughts and have feedback from others. Discussions are good within these topics. Not everyone agree's one way or the other but the subject matter shouldn't be taboo and it's certainly not one sided. I wish you all well on your journeys through life................


I seek to base my assumptions on Gods written word for he has said heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall never pass away.Knowing this we are wise to base are opinions on that written word rather than our reasoning feelings and opinions The Father Son and Holy Spirit are One in the sense that they agree on everything yet are separate entitys Jesus said me and my Father are one My Father sent me i am not alone my Father is always with me Father i have done the work that you sent me to do recieve me now back to the glory that i once had it is not i but the father that dwells in me does the work i could go on and on where Jesus signifies that he and his father are separate yet one in that they agree and also same as with the Spirit he told his followers go unto Jerusalem and wait for the promise of the Spirit which you have heard of from me it is more needful for you that i go else the Spirit will not come but if i go i will send him so you see there is much evidence that they are separate yet agree i could give many more examples my point is we should base our opinions and beliefs on Gods revealed will his written word

Interesting point. Thank you for your comment. I appreciate the response. I still have a hard time with the traditional viewpoint but my mind is always open to other rational persons and their beliefs. You're right in that this discussion could go on and on but I don't mind in the sense that it never hurts to listen. It's all very interesting to me and again I thank you.

I totally resonate with you and agree this is all a learning experience. We each have our own individual perception of actually the same story. It is quite beautiful when you look at it that way ;)