in #life7 years ago

Music like the saying goes is “the food of the soul”, is one aspect of human psychology that need cognizant attention. Though therapeutic in #nature, the kind of music, the mood and lyrics defines the state of a given moment in an individual’s life.

No matter the #sound a music creates or genre, it has a sense of appeal to someone… someone it meant one or more thing to.

As a young child growing up in a suburb, all I could recall or remember was having the grown-ups throw up streets parties every weekend and the joy spread in the atmosphere is one of true feeling that is void and untold. Without doubt, I personally ravish the moment from a distance as the sound of #music fills the air.

Hence, do we need a psychologist to tell us the essence of #music?
Music is a peel that liven and uplift the down casted mind. It regenerate a depress psyche, set at liberty an enclosed mind, revitalizes and amend broken #heart.

So as you take a moment to relax at any given point of the day, try a piece of music!
Have a fun-filled #day.


Hi Steve,
I am a big fan of music therapy. Also, studies have found that people suffering from dementia or other neurological disorders can suddenly experience improvements.
Look also here:
Cu, Chris