My small-ish FL town just started fluoridating their water back in 2013. I would't have trusted its cleanliness before that, but putting fluoride in it really upset me. It upset a lot of other townsfolk, too, but a bunch of dentists showed up to the public hearing on it, and the city commission deferred to them. We now only use bottled water for drinking and cooking, and I have a filter on my shower to keep it out (and the chlorine and other stuff, too), but we still wash our clothes, dishes, and other things in it.
If my aunt and her best friend were still alive, I might have been able to stop this. They were both long-time officials in the city government, with a lot of clout in the decision-making that goes on around here. If they'd been here, I could have educated them on how bad fluoride is, and they would have listened and done something about it. As it is now, all my friends and relations in city government are gone, so there is no one to listen to me and take me seriously anymore.
I've had nobody in government and I have been an activist calling out corruption for years, some of it is on YT. My name is not hard to find and yes --- google is actually burying my work and search results, the video I shared here, with me in it-- is proof.
Thanks for your honest comments today sister!