Polish Rabbits Are Fleeing To Germany.

in #life7 years ago

Source: Anonymous Conservative

There are three quarters of a million Poles living in Germany. While most come for economic reasons, some young people say they could no longer be themselves under conservative rule back home.

Ula Lachowicz, 34, left Poland in 2014 for Germany, attracted by a booming job market. But today, employment is no longer the reason keeping her from returning home, she said…

Lachowicz is one of a growing number of young Poles who are turning their backs on their home country, which they say has become stiflingly conservative.

Numbering more than 783,000 in 2016, including 55,000 in Berlin, Poles now make up the second biggest foreign community in Germany, after the Turks.

The diaspora was long attracted to Europe’s biggest economy for the jobs and higher salaries it offers compared to Poland, which became a member of the EU in 2004.

But since the nationalist and conservative Law and Justice party (PiS) took power in 2015, some Poles say employment is no longer the only reason pushing them to Germany.

Rather, these young and pro-European Poles say they have left their native land in search of a more liberal climate…

The Polish embassy in Berlin noted that Polish emigration “has been going on for years and statistics show no dramatic increase in the number of Polish emigrants since the ruling PiS party won the 2015 parliamentary elections…”

Aleksandra Zebrowska, who arrived in Berlin in early 2017, argued however that Polish society “is less and less open, definitely more nationalist and more centred on Catholicism…”

Zebrowska, who works in the music sector, is part of a young generation of Poles who have benefited from the EU project…

In a country which preaches a heterosexual and Catholic family structure, Filip Rutkowski, a 25-year-old gay artist, said he did not feel at ease.

“I didn’t fit the mould,” said Rutkowski, who has been living in Berlin since May last year.

Interesting to note, religiosity accompanies conservatism. So in essence, amygdala-development and reality-awareness apparently promotes embrace of God. If I was agnostic, it would make me wonder if my brain could change, to better perceive and embrace reality, and if that would make be see God as a reality. It also might point to atheists denying the possibility of God, as a false reality they embrace to quiet an amygdala that would freak out if there were an all powerful Force for good that knew all.

Back to the story, artists, gays, leftists, and feminists are fleeing Poland for the economic glut in Germany, as increasing economic shortage and threat drive Poland K. Leftists are programmed migrants. It is how the psychology began, as a glut-exploiting migrating psychology that would seek out resource gluts. Every facet of leftism can be seen through that prism today, from preference for foreigners, to the expectation that resources can be spent without any concern for long term cost.

That is another measure of a rise in K-selection that is sweeping across the world.

The K-wave frightens me a bit, because it can be devastating to the richest nations. When a K-shift is approaching, it will be like a wave. First the poorest nations will go hyper-K, and as they do, their rabbits will flee to richer nations. Eventually K will hit those richer nations, and as it does, the rabbits there will flee to any richer nations they can find.

As you can see, Germany was already r, but when the Apocalypse hits it will be a horrific mélange of a plethora of migrating European rabbits and the third world savages they have fetishized, all because Germany was so economically successful. Meanwhile, the economic deprivation of communism held back the rabbit wave in Poland.

It does worry me, because should European nations like Germany decline into a bloodbath in the early stages of a collapse (as they will), while a leftist holds power in the US, I could see that US leader pushing to admit all of the rabbits of Germany into the US as “refugees.”

Then all those wonderful rabbits who ruined Germany with their stupidity will be all ours.

We really need to rebrand refugees as cowards and traitors to their own, who are unfit for incorporation into a nation in any way. When the shit goes down, we need to treat them like the national poison they are.

r/K Selection Theory is EVERYTHING

r/K Theory Part 1 - r/K Theory Part 2 - r/K Theory Part 3

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Back to the story, artists, gays, leftists, and feminists are fleeing Poland for the economic glut in Germany, and will no doubt get along great with the Syrian refugees! Thanks Angie.

Mostly uneducated people or with shitty diploma are fleeing to another countries. If someone has good education or is an expert there is a job for him in Poland. Those folks mostly gets paid pretty well and emigration is not worth it.