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RE: Economists in study believe young men are lazy because they play video games

in #life8 years ago

Video games can be immersive and addictive. So can Netflix or reading or guitar playing or a thousand other recreational pursuits. Modern society offers a broad menu of entertainment options. The question economists need to ask is does modern society offer young men ( and women) a similar menu of options for work that is interesting and meaningful and engaging and challenging? I am 59. I had a factory job at 18 that paid for an apartment, a car, insurance, utilities etc and still had money left over for movies and concerts and low budget get away camping weekends. I went to college part time on an employer funded tuition reimbursement program. All I see available to young people today is low wage drudgery that doesn't pay enough to offer even some small level of independence. Video games would seem like a better choice to me as well.