This man has become self sufficient, and the city isn't getting any of his money for utilities, so they condemn his property and take it from him. All this man wants is to be left alone to live his life the way he wants.
Interesting how he points out to have sworn alliegience to the constitution, and now the gouvernment is actually not following those same laws. Freedom isn't what it was ever meant to be anymore seemingly. I read an article , very sorry I can't find it back anymore, about a lady also completely off grid also not allowed, she got away with it by connecting to the waterworks, as she had to be connected, which didn't mean that she had to make use of her connection. Apparently they can't force you to use the water, only to have a connection. Now I'm from Holland, currently living in Thailand, and pretty new in the legal aspects of it all in America, with all the different states aswell. But must say that I find it all appauling that the so-called land of the free, isn't so free at all. Hats off for the individual here who makes a stand, I suppose that is what many more should do aswell, instead of playing Pokemon go, checking what lady gaga is wearing and what the Kardassians have for lunch today and sleeping through this era in ignorant bliss. I remember whilst growing up, my parents often went out somewhere with banners to demonstrate against some kind or other new law. Must say that since then demonstrating has become harder and harder as in those days, something on its own to demonstrate against !
Liked your post and love to share some on the subject myself shortly, still getting used to have a computer myself now and using it aswel as getting used to steemit.
In a way I lived off grid in France (the hard way, homeless) for 5 years so.... thats probably why I have an interrest in the subject, aswell as wanting to be as independant as possible nowadays. As in the back of my head alarmbells are ringing, the world is coming into a strange timespan, and want to be as prepared as I possibly can be.
Take care, beware and prepare !
waiting for your infos to be shared in steemitosphere @rudeta2
Thnx ! will do
My lady and I are planning to do this very thing. I guess they really do not want anyone living free. We are now "the home of the cage, and the land of the fee"...I really hope we dont face anything crazy like this, but you never know, right? lol
I guess dont be totally off-grid? :) nice meeting you here @codymac40
You too!
Most americans think they are free, infact no one is free. We are slaves from the moment we are born (debt slaves). Most people dont even know that collecting rain water is illegal. You can get fines or jail time for doing so. Same goes for raw milk. But thats just the small things. Then comes our actual rights that arent rights at all, it is a privilege. They can rewrite, just like most laws, and passed it without you even knowing it. Our rights are being violated everyday for the elites own benefits at the end. The list goes on and on.
@steemlinks Thanks for the info, crazy stuff :o(
thanks @bluestar followed you
@steemlinks Thanks for the follow
Statists gonna state
So the guy's fighting city of luck to him. Sometimes the little guy does win! Case in point:
I hate when the government says your "self-sufficient lifestyle unsafe" it's like, who are you to tell me what is and isn't safe for my own body! You don't own me! oh wait... our birth certificates.. they do XD
Imagine they would have had the same mentality towards, concerning the settlers of 'the wild west' haha ! America wouldn't even excist , "unsafe living ?" what a joke for an excuse to break a man for breaking free.
Not to mention the unsafe tapwater due to fracturing, the unsafe environment with 'trigger happy' (military) police officers, and the rise of prisons (labour camps) all over the USA. Aswell as a gouvernment that instigates, invents terrorists by the whole 9/11 sceme, farce. The chem trails etc. etc. Yeah and then call an upright citizen a danger for himself..... the real danger goin' on is (in my opinion) your (and our) gouvernments, and all the "sheeple" it's downright D-evolution !
in short, I agree hadenmiles, Take care beware and prepare !
Let's face it, we are being regulated to death. I guess if you're off the grid, it's hard to regulate you.
It is so sad that in the land of the free there is very little freedom. The government is taking away our freedoms day by day. They can't let a man live in peace .I'am a son of the revolutionary war and my ancestors would be ashamed of what this country has become.
thats just it we dont own land. we rent it from the gov. .. dont pay your tax's and see if u own it..
I guess not being parasitic is considered parasitic because they can't charge you. LOL.
i like that hmmn. thanks for stopping by @alexgr , followed you.
Even when you work hard to be independent the State won't allow it! thank you for sharing, these things need to be exposed !
Shocking and sinister stuff.
I hope that guy and his lady get to stay on their land.
Good post - raising awareness of these kind of threats to our freedom.
Love Peace & Freedom
All citizens must comply with state stupidity. Good gosh. I wish this guy had started a petition to fight city hall. I would sign it in a heartbeat.
Crazy..... Where is the restitution stipulated through the constitution? How hypocritical is Liberty. Smh
thanks @alaynaspop followed you.