“Did you really want to die?"
"No one commits suicide because they want to die."
"Then why do they do it?"
"Because they want to stop the pain.”
Thank you infinitely to everyone who took the time to write me such kind and inspiring words yesterday. Please know that I read each one of you and it means everything to me and more. 💜
How does one find a reason to hold onto life when there are virtually none? This is dedicated to my greatest hero (as I look at his quote on my board daily.) Yet sometimes, having a Why, doesn’t refrain one from wishing they would die. Human beings are interesting creatures. We’re expectations machines, which makes us experts at creating unnecessary suffering for ourselves. Yet knowing this won’t make us any less prone to do it over and over again. We “need” certain things to ensure our survival in this wild world. One of them being meaning. Life without meaning is surely livable, but not to the human mind.
Meaning is our drive and hope is what keeps us going. Without both, we are doomed. What is meaning? How do you find meaning? Meaning for me may be different Meaning for you. We each have a special gift to find within ourselves and share with the world once we do. Hence why the importance of connecting to our internal reality could not possibly be overstated. Social media, junk food, pills, alcohol, drugs, parties, these are all distractions that bring us further away from the real meaning we ought to derive from human existence.
First comes purpose, then comes servanthood.
In meaning, there is belonging. What do I belong to? As social animals, our need to belong is extremely high. Feeling unsupported and like we don’t belong is one of the most horrible feelings in the world. We need each other. We need connection. We need understanding. We need a forum where we feel safe to express ourselves. Once we find our tribe, we can better serve others.
Searching for the meaning to ones life is the biggest misnomer and a moving target! It can be singular it can be layered it can be internal it can be external
The freedom we have in selecting what brings us and our lives meaning can be so overwhelming when you begin to dive into to which is why so many of us look to society to give us an idea of meaning
I hope you will find your meaning or meanings and enjoy the persistent pursuit! You owe it to yourself and the people you have and will touch throughout your life
LOOK WHERE YOU LEAST WANT TO - Powerful Life Advice | Jordan Peterson
6min 34sec
All true. But sometimes people and tribes can disappoint and fail us. So it's just as important to be solid with yourself, that no matter what you have an internal purpose and a belief that life is good.
It is, and yes we do. But honor yourself first. Find your passion and what is meaningful to you. And find others who are like-minded who share the same passion. If you look everywhere and elsewhere outside of yourself, but you are not sure what you're looking for, you may feel like you're coming up empty handed. And that is not a good recipe.
What fuels you? Helping others? Doing creative things? Planting trees? Whatever that may be, there's a community out there to join. And that is where you will find meaningful connection.
Have you hear of the Mindful Life Community? We run group meditations and support each other as we grow through conscious awareness. With much love!
You can join the Mindful Life community in the @naturalmedicine server here
We really are a very supportive group of folks!Hey @steemityourway I see on your blog that you say meditation is your way of life..