School shootings are no accident. The shooters prepared, aquired weapons and trained. At some point they made a decision to kill. The question about that decision is never asked. There has to be a reason or 100 reasons but there has to a reason. The problem is that these killers usually don't survive so asking them is not a option. But there are many murderers in prison including multiple murderers who could still be used to investigate why humans murder. It's easy to call people crazy and monsters and they may very well be but there is a foundation to their mindset.
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I hypothesize that a lot of our not obviously mentally ill population are undiagnosed because they haven't asked for help not knowing they need it. Not to be argumentative but in my opinion anyways, anyone who commits an act of violence towards another human being or animal in any means other than self defense is not of the “right mind”. Perhaps they've talked their way out of mental health treatment because they don't hallucinate and tell people their violent thoughts are just for play...but persistent violent thoughts, and the ability to carry out violent actions without reacting certain ways are signs that neurons in the brain are not firing in an ‘average’ pattern. An individual who exhibits these brain patterns CERTAINLY are more likely to commit violent crimes when presented the right stimuli and environment without intervention.
In a study posted in ‘social cognitive and affective neuroscience’ they noted “whether you shoot someone on purpose or the gun goes off accidentally, the victim is still dead... it makes an enormous difference in how you later reckon with what you’ve done....among people who kill legally and those who kill criminally or promiscuously, the same brain regions are surely involved, even if they operate in different ways. In all of us it’s clear that murder’s neural roots and moral roots are deeply entangled. Learning to untangle them a bit could one day help psychologists and criminologists predict who will kill—and stop them before they do.”
In another article which discusses the psychology of anger, “...anger is a social emotion. You always have a target that your anger is directed against (even if that target is yourself). Feelings of pain, combined with anger-triggering thoughts motivate you to take action, face threats and defend yourself by striking out against the target you think is causing you pain.”
Perhaps requiring periodic mental health screenings or access to counseling for children much like their well child check ups required for their physical well-being could be a stepping stone to better getting to know and being able to protect our youth from triggers. With mental health observation required for every child and not just the “problem children” educators could pick up on signs such as not responding to emotional stimuli, poor coping skills when in the “red” or anger zone and an inability to empathize with others. Professionals who are required to interview children's mental health may pick up on environmental factors that put children at risk that otherwise may go unnoticed because of the presence of a parent. Any or all of these signs could signal an “angry youth” who, if you were to image their brains would likely show abnormalities. These brains CAN BE FIXED.
Combined with stricter gun laws I still see a ton of potential for stronger mental health funding, lessons and involvement.
Thank you so much for responding. I hope as a nation we found a way to make a difference sooner than later <3