Genius who lighted our minds and lives - Nikola's Tesla favourite song played on his funeral

in #life7 years ago (edited)

 Nikola Tesla, source

Let's talk about one genius none across the world, but still not yet enough explored and figured. Let's talk about a man without we wouldn't have light in our homes, minds, and lives. We usually know some extraordinary fact about his life, and unfortunately, we all know that he died in misery. The greatest Serbian scientist, Nikola Tesla, died on 7 of January 1943 at 22:30. It was just on Serbian Christmas. He had 87 years and hundreds of patents and inventions. They brought him glory, but not wealth. How did look the funeral of Nikola Tesla? Did u ever think about it? The funeral was attended by more than 2,000 people. In the funeral procession, there were statesmen, public figures, Nobel Prize winners, but also the citizens who admired the Nikola Tesla. It is remembered that the Mayor of Newyork Fiorello La Guardia said at a funeral that Tesla's inventions are becoming more important true the time.  But it was all after. How he lived before he died?

Tesla's funeral, source

But did u know that for his funeral Tesla had an only two wishes? To bury him with music. One composition was Shuberts "Ave Maria" and the last was "There Far", Serbian song that recalled a scientist on his country. Song "Far away" was played  on violin by his friend  Zlatko Balakovic, accompanied by the "Slovan" choir. It is one of the most beautiful Serbian songs, and the sound of it, especially on Tesla funeral, is something really magic and extraordinary thing for all of us who admire Nikola Tesla. If you didn't see this video, I strongly recommend you to do it. It is really unique experience.

Hymn of Serbian Warriors Without Land "Far away" singed  all allied soldiers on the Thessaloniki front since 1917 in their own languages, but with obligatory verse "Salut to Serbia". The song of a small nation in the Great War has long been popular in Europe and after the Second World War.  It was a favourite Tesla's song. 

Last known photo of Nikola Tesla, source

Tesla was first buried under Orthodox customs and at the cemetery, but later his cremated remains and his ashes were transferred to Belgrade in 1957. Now it is shown in one of the rooms of Nikola Tesla museum in Belgrade, so the museum is a memorial institution. Why is it cremated? It is most likely that it was the desire of his relatives. For the last ten years of his life, this scientist spent at a hotel in New York City. In his honor, at the door of his room in the  New Yorker hotel there is a sign that he lived there. 

In the laboratory, source

Statue of Nikola Tesla on Niagara Falls, source

Nikola Tesla had a hard, but full life. If we want to remember him, best thing to do is to put a lights on and play his favourite song.

Thanks for reading!

***STEEM ON***


Nice article! :) Steem on!

Thanks Ana!

I loved to read about Tesla! Really great article!

Thanks! Glad you like it!

There is no question that Tesla was a genius. He had a brilliant mind. He changed the world but yet he died bankrupt. I am curious as to what caused this negative aspect in his life. I have friends that are very book smart but they have no common sense. I wonder if this was the case in Teslas life or did he have some other problem.

I think there are various reasons for this. He was completely out of the world, he dedicated all his life just to one thing! This kind of genius, I think, is born just a few times in a history of the world. Another thing may be, Tomas Edison and the rest of the science scene that wanted to take away his inventions. They didn't want him to be successful and to have influence... And they were enough powerful to make this hapen.

Oh, as well as weekday they did with the Titanic.... Kill everyone and buy up there businesses to have controll. opppsss... im saying too much.

It was never him. It's the government. When you come up with thongs that nske prople's lives less costly and they cant collect they will Shut it down by any means. Open your eyes. They're trying to do it with crypto now.

nikola was one of the greatest scientist of all ages but unfortunately he don't get the desired respect

Yes, thats true. Thats why we should think and write about him more often!

yes indeed dear thank you he did a great work but only less people know him

Odlican tekst. Nas genije.

Hvala. Bas vala nas ponos!

They probably couldn't wait for him to die so that they could steal all his stuff. Tesla was supposed to be the original form of electricity but he was sabotaged so that the other guy could win. Tesla's form of energy is actually better and less costly. But you know how that whole brain wash thing goes. Ive already said too much.... History is not what it should be.