
Thanks so much @Spozone. Means a lot! I am happy to see so many people showing up to show support.

Hey work is keeping me so busy it's all I can do on steemit is maybe read through my feed and make a few comments, cast a few votes, and try to maintain a little involvement in the community here. I haven't quite figured out the magic of being able to invest hours to write whatever "good" content it is required to make a living from blogging on the block chain. I see people's wallets that certainly have and I'm jealous, envious even because some of their "good" content looks and reads like Basura. Looks like a duck to me... Quack quack. I guess the joke is on me or I'm just ignorant and need to acquire more knowledge or a better grip on society. LOL.. Like that will happen. I'll keep my eyes open for your words of wisdom whenever they appear and if they don't I'll be be saddened but wish you well.

I'm having withdrawals.... Hope you are well