15 minor defects of design of habitual things which create problems

in #life8 years ago

Daily people face a huge number small inconvenience because designers haven't finished thinking about something, have mixed and these defects have got accustomed. Often just you doesn't think of it as these things which are "impaired a little" by designers enter a circle of daily use. But actually to change something never late!

1 Touch screens in cars

It doesn't mean at all that all touch screens bad. The problem is that in some new cars, almost everything, turning on the conditioner and radio, copes with the help of the touch screen. And it is bad the fact that when, for example, radio could be turned on the ordinary button, it wasn't necessary to look away from the road. If the majority of elements of management to have on the touch screen, then it can be dangerous and distracts attention.

2 The button on the top part of a baseball cap

She in general is useless, she has no purpose. Moreover, this button presses on the top if you pulls a cap more deeply, and also prevents to carry earphones.9542035.jpg

  1. Glue which is stronger than paper on a sticker

It especially irritates when you buys to someone a gift on the way to this person. Eternally there is a dilemma: or to leave a sticker with the price or to break it, with risk to damage packing and to leave a glue spot on her.9542037.jpg

4 Blinds with cords on each party

Well why when it is necessary to lift or lower many blinds, it is necessary to fight against cords on both sides. It was really so heavy to make all roleta with a cord only from one edge.


5 Toothbrushes which can't be put on "back"

Toothbrushes became so advanced that in some already there are even minicomputers which are built in the handle. It was necessary to learn: for what purpose their design is developed so that no toothbrush can almost be put on "back" pile up.9542042.jpg

6 Glasses for wine

Everyone knows these glasses with the overestimated center of gravity, the small basis and very fragile middle part. And also how it is easy to spill from them wine and to break/break a glass.

7 Rectangular baskets for purchases with the handle located perpendicularly

It is simply inconvenient and hardly anyone will argue with it. Why haven't made the handle along a basket - a riddle.9542048.jpg

8 Too short mixers

Becomes consciously some wrecker or for any other reason – a full riddle. But a half of mixers which are on sale in shop (or which are already installed) time in 3 is shorter than a sink. Whether it is worth saying how at the same time it is "convenient" to wash hands or ware.

9 An arrangement of a steering wheel in cars

In Great Britain the seat of the driver is on the right, and in Russia - at the left. Whether it was simpler to make him on the center, considering that it sharply reduces quantity of "blind spots" on the road.

10 Stoves and microwaves without exact temperatures

Instead, scales on them are simply numbered on a lock. Roughly speaking, it is necessary to choose – to cook chicken at a temperature "5" or "6".

11 Stickers on fruit

Even Tony Fadell (the leading designer of Apple) has noted that these stickers irritate consumers of fruit. They should be placed nevertheless on scapes.

12 Buttons of management of video which close signatures

As it is familiar – over and over again you winds off video, trying to read the signature in the bottom of the screen. But it is impossible to make it because the signature is closed by elements of management.

13 The button of cancellation of the choice of the floor in the elevator

It would seem, it is elementary and at once has to come to mind. However, in spite of the fact that elevators in more or less modern option exist one and a half centuries, there is no similar button still.

14 "Gap" near "point" the majority of virtual keyboards on mobile devices


15 Micro USB ports

These USB plugs constantly drop out. And that it is even worse, at the slightest contact to a cable, the port can break.