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RE: The Great Debate #1 - Alex Jones.

in #life7 years ago

Alex Jones is an entertainer, much like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Dennis Prager, Sam Seder, Rachel Maddow, etc. He is quite adapt at his craft and seems to be reasonably successful. Rather than comedic interpretation of the current events, i.e. The Daily Show, Infowars engages in dramatic interpretation of current events.

Due to 24-hour cable "news" shows, information is presented unfiltered to the public. Much of "news" is just raw data continuously replayed on a loop without analysis, context, or prioritization. The public does not obtain news, but rather confused jumble of data, spewed by various so-called "experts" whose only purpose is to fill the allotted time slot for a particular news hour.

Mr. Jone's show, like most of his other current event entertainers, provide a facade of organization and context to the obfuscating mess of the major "news" organizations. He is not a journalist, but an entertainer playing a journalist; his show can be viewed as a satire of the entire concept of cable "news" done in dramatic fashion. The difference between CNN and Inforwars is that Inforwars at least organizes the data into some type of context, CNN is a garbage dump from which data oozes out.


Altough the way they organize data is just used to sell their suplements

Hmm interesting..

Rather than comedic interpretation of the current events, i.e. The Daily Show, Infowars engages in dramatic interpretation of current events.

This is an interesting way to look at it, and i think you may be correct.

Or at least that is a major draw card.. and will keep users attention for longer.

Although i feel one key selling point.. or one key thing that differentiates Alex Jones's show is what he is talking about.

For example Corruption in the government is rarley mentioned on TV.. the pedophilia scandels etc.. none of this is put on mainstream media.

So would you say this information he gives out.. is less of a draw card than the way he acts?

I also liked your thought on the way the raw data is just played on a loop..

Something i have noticed with Alex Jones is he will repeat himself often and also rant on alot.. so a 1 hour show may only contain 5 minutes of information.

I wish he would show more evidence, more documents.

Alex could make a much better case for what he is saying if he didn't rant on.. although its pretty funny to watch..

Mr. Jones' rants are akin to Late Night monologues and skits for his audience. Late Night shows are "interview" shows, but most of the audience tune-in for the comedy. Similarly, I think most of Infowars audience tune-in for the rant of the day; both seem to be a way to contexualize the data and channel outrage, either in sarcastic humor or angry monologue.

I think the current major news media are quite interested in Pres. Trump's corruption and possible crimminality. They also have "rant" segments too. I think the major news outlets are mimicking Infowars; a sort of life immitaing art.