Very interesting perspective. I should have made it clearer that the comment I shared was one which I had written myself. So, i agree with you on a lot of things. I am not an Atheist nor Agnostic either. I believe in a creator yet struggle to see religion as anything other than systems of control.
What you said about sleeping well at night while your mother has difficulty is noteworthy. It makes me think of the fact that the majority of serial killers tend to also have been very religious, and often claim they were influenced by God or by demons.
I recall a quote I once heard, though I'm unable to remember who said it.
If there truly is a God, then it must be assumed that religion would be more of an insult to Him than Atheism.
This speaks to the horrors that have fallen on humanity in the name of God and religion and is yet another reason to avoid following doctrines which have been interpreted by so many as a reason to slay their fellow man.
I enjoy your sense of humour in relation to your comment about hell. But, on a serious note, a God who would permit the existence of a realm of eternal suffering while preaching forgiveness does not sound like one I'm willing to worship either.
Thanks for sharing!