My understanding of the Torah is very limited as my research has never led me there, so it does not surprise me that I may have been incorrect about a couple of things. This is why I am careful to say, I think or I believe or It is said etc, as I know there is a lot of misinformation out there. Which brings me to the I am that I am comments..
I have heard Yahweh translated this way by more than a couple of people, and by at least one Hebrew. Is it a case of an ancient dialect that there is dispute over the interpretation, or is it merely another case of intentional disinformation?
When it comes to the Talmud, I am afraid I stand by my claim that it is disgusting. I have heard the attempted justification that you put forth before, but I have also seen various videos of Talmudic Jews in Israel commenting on the Talmud and standing by a lot of its quotes.
Just as the Mujib-hadine sought to misinterpret the Quran to serve a purpose of murder, perhaps there are those that choose to misinterpret the ultimate message of the Talmud?
I would love to believe that, but, when you take into consideration the Jewish encyclopedia, which as I understand it, is allegedly a refinement of all the best Rabbi's teachings from all Jewish scriptures.. Then you note that many of the despicable quotes from the Talmud are also present in the Jewish Encyclopedia, then it becomes difficult for me to justify any of the writings in the Talmud.
I do know that life is full of deception and people actively go out of their way to misinform people and structure their belief systems, so I'm open to you refuting this if you believe you can. You can find me on at the same username.
Moses is the first, to meet God with the Name Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, I will Be what I will Be. (In Exodus 3:14.) The Tetragrammaton to which you refer with the name Yahweh, is a different Name all together, which we do not pronounce or translate at all. We simply say HaShem (TheName) when we read the 4 letters of the Tetragrammaton. I suspect like many others, you have accidentally connected or, mixed these 2 up somehow.
Regarding the videos of "Talmudic Jews in Israel," let me somewhat rhetorically ask you if you think the word servant is the same as slave, and if you have ever chosen to serve someone or something... What would happen when one day the world finally learns that God Is One..? (As Prophet Isaiah says.) Would we not all serve Him by choice?
Of course the Jewish Encyclopedia would have the true quotes from the Talmud, the existence of which doesn't deny anything I said. (NB. it doesn't have any of the false quotes, which are many...) The Talmud does say something to the effect of the quote about 3 year olds as I stated above, but out of context, it is nothing, except useful to bigots. In context, it proves that the Talmud, and Judaism rightly stands up for the rights of 3 year olds!
I believe I have come across the Tetragrammaton a few times when studying sacred geometry, though I have never heard of its connection the word Yahweh.
I did say I wanted this post to result in some education, so I would say at this point it has been a success.
The videos I watched of Talmudic Jews speaking of their beliefs were on many different subjects, but if you would like one example. I recall a video where a Jew in Israel boasted of how the gentiles do all the work such as building the homes etc, so that the Jews can reap the benefits. Because this Jew believed, and he claimed according to scripture, that the purpose of a gentile is only to serve Jews, and when the Lord return each Jew will have x amount-- I don't recall the number--of slaves(gentiles.)
He also spoke of how Jews have souls but gentiles do not, as stated in a passage in the Talmud.
Is this what you meant by asking me the difference between slave and servant, do you think that all non-Jews will serve Jews willingly when they realise their alleged greater significance to all other human beings?
I don't believe you sound like the type of person to have such a belief.
The Tetragrammaton is 4 letters. Y (yod) H (hey) V (vav) and H (hey.) Without any vowels, you can just sound it out to hear the connection. Since there is no W in Hebrew, the weh sound of the name you say, should be veh, but still, we don't pronounce it... The JeHoVaH witnesses do the same thing except with the Y becoming a J. (There is no J in Hebrew either.)
Unfortunately, you will find some, who will intentionally misread things to gather ammunition. Translating the word servant to slave is a good example. But for your consideration, the Levites are commanded to serve God and the world in the Temple, are they slaves? Did you know that YOU, right now, according to our beliefs, have many servants, who in their minds, do everything they do for the sake of the world? This is the context of the discussion...
Regarding the claim that gentiles have no souls. (I know it's not yours, but this idea is ridiculous. Please just listen to the story in Genesis. Again, not one word is to be taken literally.) God breathes part of His own soul into Adam. From Adam comes all of humankind. Some behave well most of the time, others not so much... Here is what is actually taught regarding this idea...
"Q: You said in your lectures that only 600,000 souls descend to this world. How is it possible to explain that the number of the physical bodies in this world is much greater and reaches some seven billion? How do 600,000 souls divide among all the people on earth?
A: There is only one soul in the world, called “Adam HaRishon.” The soul of the Adam HaRishon consists of 600,000 separate parts. Each part is a separate soul that is corrected when it joins with other parts, other souls. In order to join with other souls, the aim “for myself” must be canceled, because a spiritual bond and full unification is the exact same thing.
By revoking this aim and joining with other parts, with other souls, each part, each soul acquires attributes from the primary soul – that of Adam HaRishon. A soul bonds with the Creator to the extent that it can bond with other souls. That fills the soul of Adam HaRishon, because the attributes of the Creator and the corrected attributes of the soul equalize.
600,000 is a symbolic number. At the first breaking, the soul of the creature, called Adam, broke into 600,000 parts. Then, over many generations, it continued to break into the following smaller parts:
Cain and Abel
The tower of Babylon
The rest of the generations
In addition, the souls constantly go from one body to the next, divide and unite, because they are in fact one soul divided only by our individual feelings. The will to enjoy for itself only is imprinted in them. You might say that there is only one soul, which is filled with Light, but because of our imperfection, we feel ourselves as separate parts of it.
At the end of correction, all the souls that feel separated will unite with one desire and one thought, one delight and one Creator." (Source)
Please, and without any haughtiness, here is the whole key; If God is One, with all matter, and all energy in the Universe, every desire, feeling, word, good or bad, etc, every person, then how do I serve God?! Or course! By serving every...
As you can see, in the World to Come, I will be your servant, just as you will be mine, and I have no problem saying it or anticipating those loving and peaceful days...
This is a very interesting concept in relation the one soul split among many.
I had never heard of this before, yet I find it odd that it fits rather nicely with the wild theory I was speculating at the end of the comment in the initial post.
For instance, one soul shared among everyone, one true consciousness.. Yet, the ego is in the way of the unification of the pieces of the soul because everyone's ego wants for individuality and focuses on one's self rather than on everyone as a collective body and spirit.
Thank you for sharing the source, I have so much to look into that people have shared with me today and I was supposed to be writing a piece.. Lol. I will definitely check it out when I have the opportunity to do so.
This is in many texts, may not even be Jewish if we trace it back.
I see no reason to follow any of the writings in the bible still, because anything good in it can be found elsewhere.