You might have never known gays until the early 90's as well, simply because it wasn't a subject openly discussed.
This is a common argument perpetuated by mainstream media and pioneers of the LGBT community. For that to be true however, there would have had to have been somewhere around 1/5 men hiding their sexual orientation or gender identity, which I just find to be a very hard pill to swallow. There have always been those who have been naturally attracted to the same sex, going back centuries. It was always a small percentage however, until recent years. I don't believe that it was because men were afraid to admit their feelings because in actuality, it is also these modern times that have ushered in an era of insecurity, forcing people--if anything--to be more reluctant to share their true selves with the world.
It is very tolerant of you to just accept that all transsexuals arrived at their decision to change genders of their own volition, and that excessive portrayal of such abstract proclivities on TV, movies and the news played no part in it at all. That would imply that it is simply a natural human trait to identify as a gender that your biology contradicts.
If this is your belief, then in the spirit of open discussion I would love to know your opinion on more extreme versions of personal identity dysphoria.
For example, the 52 year old man that identifies as a 6 year old girl and lives with two adopted parents, who also has sex with men while playing the role of this little girl.
Or, the man who identified as a female tiger and modified his body to represent as such. I believe he is dead now. -- A simply google search will direct you to any of these cases.
Do you feel that these are also natural human instincts-- to believe that you are tigers, or little girls in spite of being a mature male? If this is true than it must also be human nature to identify as a dolphin or a radiator.
I could perhaps accept this is just the warped minds of a few if it wasn't for how much media attention such instances get. I feel there is most definitely a deliberate and sinister confusion of our natural selves being waged against us and our children, and I fear for where it may lead if it continues to progress.
One more thing I would like to add is in relation to the bathrooms exclusively for transgenders. This is an awful idea. As you say, if it is merely 0.01% of the population(though I believe as of now it is probably considerably more), then why must they have their own facilities. What about the 0.001% of people who identify as tigers, snakes, or dogs. Do they too require their own personal facilities?
I feel that by building transgender bathrooms, all that does is expose even more children who are still developing their own sense of identity to this type of thing, which will in turn increase the percentage of people that are transgender in the next generation.
If a child notices such a bathroom and asks their parents, "Who is that room for?" Then once they have had it explained to them they will start become curious whether they are truly the gender that their body suggests.
They have also now started teaching transgender tolerance at school to children of very young ages. Why!?
Why not just teach tolerance in itself. Tolerance for all no matter what their choices are, as long as those choices are not malicious in intent. Subjecting children to this type of confusion about their own bodies while they are still so young and impressionable is dangerous to their psyches, and I believe anyone with a modicum of cognitive processing power knows this to be true.. So, whomever is behind this agenda must want to damage young children's minds and confuse them about their bodies.
I just "adore" how bigots always make the short leap from 'transgender' or 'LGBT' to 'child molester' when it's a proven fact that most victims of child molestation are abused by cishet male relatives or close friends of the family.
Maybe we shouldn't have men's bathrooms so we can protect the children. [/sarcasm]
Teaching trangender tolerance can save lives. I grew up in an era where "smear the queer" was a schoolyard "game" that the authority figures turned a blind eye to. If more people know what a condition is, they're more likely to accept the person who has it and -say- not bash them into jam just because they crossed the street wrong.
I know I can't convince you, @son-of-satire, but at least try to learn what something is before you automatically spew hate everywhere.
And BTW, it's 'transgender person' or 'trans person', not 'transgenders'.
What the fuck are you talking about? I made no such leap.
Kids are awful. I'm not disputing this. I bet it was not only gays that were bullied however.
I would love for you to show me one instance of hate that I'm allegedly spewing. Out of all the comments on this post, this is only one that is hostile that I have seen. You, my friend, are the only one spewing hate.
Fuck off. lol. You and your like are the biggest problem we face in uniting our people. What's the difference? None that I can see, but you invent one so you can allow yourself an excuse to be offended by a word that was intended in a non-offensive manner. Go find a safe space and die in it before interrupting my work for a silly fucking message like this again.
Uh, really? “blacks”, “gays”, “chinks”, “abbos”, “coons”, “frogs”, “wogs”, “fags”, “goons”, “japs”. These are all what we call slurs. They are designed to humiliate, derogate, insult and offend, by taking a group of people and trying to reduce their relevance by belittling and shortening them into a funny named subset of humanity. You “norms”.
Blacks is not a slur. Gays is not a slur. These are the only two of the words you just wrote that I said, so what are you blabbing on about?
I agree. We don't need more segregated bathrooms, we need less. Build bigger, unisex bathrooms. In the meantime, little girls (both trans and cis) can go to the girls bathroom, and little boys (both trans and cis) to the boys, regardless of their birth sex.