Knifing - Assassination In Hamburg

in #life7 years ago

I recently posted about the last assassinations in Europe. For everyone who missed it here is a short summary -

A 50-year old man was killed at an attack in Barmbek, Hamburg on this Friday the 28th of July by an islamic attacker. Also six people got injured. 

The offender was born in 1991 in Saudi Arabia. Ahmed A. lived in a refugee accommodation in Langenhorn, northern Germany. The attacker stabbed randomly into strangers in a supermarket in Barmbek, Hamburg, which is a very central district with lots of families and young people living there. Six people from 19 to 64 got hurt and a 50-year old man died in this bloodbath. 

Background of the offender 

He had come to Germany as a refugee and had a simple job in Hamburg according to reporters.  But it was striking that Ahmed A. had no longer a residence permit and had to be deported back to his home country which nobody knew before. You can not deport someone if you dont have any prove where the person comes from. Anyway, he is known as an Islamist and screamed "Allahu Akbar" while trying to escape which is reason enough to call him a terrorist. 

Hero of the day

Jamel Chraiet belongs to a few men who stopped the attacker. He sat down with a few others in front of a baking shop when he heard that a man is running around and is stabbing into people. Jamel and his friends quickly discussed the situation, they ran after him and threw chairs and rocks on him in order to stop him which luckily happened a few moments later. They also tried to talk to Ahmed A. but unfortunately they couldnt understand what he was talking.

The victim 

Mathias P. lived only ten minutes away, in a 50 square meter apartment in a red brick building and was supposed to have worked as an engineer.He only wanted to by some groceries and died...

All these news make me feel stunned. I used to live not far away from the crime scene and these shops and supermarket look familiar to me. The situations are getting worse from time to time. I dont care where you come from, who you are, in what you believe or wether how much money you have -  no one has the right to kill people especially not innocent people! Its always scary to hear that such events took place but to hear that it happened in your city besides your district makes you feel frightened.  

-Here are some pictures of the crime scene -


Of course we shouldnt be afraid, but take a look around you when you go outside, it felt like a miracle that I wasnt in Barmbek when this crime happened...

Always Be Careful

Take care, thanks for reading 

Stay focused

Love, Soldier 

*Disclaimer - Pictures taken from + MoPo


Wow that is horrible I hope they are okay.

I hope too...

I kind of know your feelings. Nothing related to terrorism or Europe, but in my day I was really close to places where violent stuff happened, more than once.

First I will say I completely agree with you. These horrible crimes need to stop. But I think that while we know the victims are innocent, in the mind of Ahmed, the victims are guilty of the crime of not being muslim and so, they had to be attacked. Until we hear a different account of what happened, we will likely think stereotypically. I hope those who survived are able to live without flashbacks of the trauma.

Trying to interpret why Islamists kill innocent people is not going to help anything. Islamist leaders are pretty clear about their intention: to spread their ideology by the sword. The problem is not Europe's lack of understanding; it is their blindness to the threat of Islam. Western Europe's urge to virtue signal their tolerance to the rest of the world will be their demise.

Omg. So sick and tired of this stupid narrative. What about the western armies who spent at least the last 20 years spreading "democracy" by the bombs in the middle east and killing far more innocent ? The problem is not about what you are, its about what your corrupt leaders do. Westerners lack of self-criticism and wrong-headedness to control the middle east will be their demise.

Are you implying that I supported Western imperialism of the past twenty years?

I agree that the West played a huge part in causing the destabilization (and try 70 years, not 20), but I am also saying that Europe's leaders should be protecting their people from the resulting radicalized Islamists. Instead they allow them to flood their countries in the name of compassion and multiculturalism.

I'd like to know what you think is "stupid" about the "narrative."

Do you really think the reason a crazy man is killing random people on the street is to force westerners to convert to islam ?

Are you genuinely waiting for the same leaders who carpet bombed the middle east, to take mesures protecting westerners from the dangers of deregulated mass immigration ?

All their talk about compassion and multicultalism is a facade. All they want is cheap labour they can exploit.

From my point of view i see the exact opposite narrative : Western leaders have spent a lot of propaganda, taxpayer money and bombs to prevent muslims to rule their homelands as they wish.

Don't you agree ?

Where do you get the idea that Western leaders are anti-muslim? If anything they are interested in radical Islamism because it leads to instability and thus geopolitical opportunities. Assad's Syria, Saddam's Iraq, and Gaddafi's Libya are good examples of relatively stable and secular governments that were toppled by the West to give way to radical Islamist factions. It's their recipe for regional instability and geopolitical opportunity.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Modern Irak, Libya and Syria are artificial states created 100 years ago from the colonial agreements of Sykes-Picot after the destruction of the ottoman empire.

Saddam, Gaddafi and Assad are totalitarian dictators, and the only stability they ensure, is to impeach the sunni populations of these countries to built a stong and independent supranational islamic empire.

It's the popular arab uprising that toppled tunisian Ben Ali, syrian Bachar and egyptian Moubarak, the west only hijacks these revolutions with the same old "radical Islamic factions" rhetoric via their "moderate rebel" proxies.

The best example is the egyptian revolution : Moubarak dictator is pushed out by popular uprising, then muslim brotherhood chief Morsi is elected president by the will of the people, but will quickly be toppled in a military coup by Sisi, with the help of USA and their Saudi puppets.

The same thing is going on with Libya : Revolution kicks out Gaddafi, West hijacks it, and is now pushing to establish general Haftar as a new dictator.

In my opinion has no one the right to kill someone even if they belong to an different religion or not. What makes him better? This could be a long discussion... I know what you are talking about but who has the right to take someones life ??????

Nobody has the right, unless it is self defense. Many people will feel they are on the "right" side of this issue, but taking an "us" versus "them" approach only muddies the waters and keeps tensions high, which is exactly what those in power want. I always feel "live and let live

Germany has to be careful permitting these refugees to stay in their country! Any such activity should be handled strictly and these attackers should be hanged.

Thats our biggest problem these days. Germany allows everyone to come and also to stay even without any papers.... So things like that happen way too often !

This is real sad, now the root cause!!! Its extremism for power . Religion doesnt promote any of this. This is a manipulation of human mind..
If someone ask u question like why r u in the world? What happens after death . A fear gets to most people. This is a great entry point for the extremist. The only solution is education and integration to the society
Checkout my blog on education .. i hope free online education and good resources keep people mind open

Great post, upvoted !

I didn't know about this news, difficult time for that family

So true.. Especially for the family of Mathias P.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thanks, appreciate it :)

Jamel Chraiet the real hero who caught that attackers and I salute to him.

People need to be willing to help others in need and to try to stop things before they happen. If everyone wore a gun it would be a much safer world and some one would always be willing to take these crazies out with a bullet.

I agree. But if everyone were able to take a gun, we would have other problems... Anyway, it would be safer place in general

It's really sad for us. They are real soldier of nations!! They never afraid for die!! 1st they give priority to the nation's not a family!! They deserved big salute from us!! @soldier thanks for sharing with us!!

We should pray for those who were involved as a victim in this terrible disaster ....

heartbreaking !!

i am stunned too

yeah right ? :/

imho is weird that the attacker came from Emirates States ( i heard it in the radio in my country, but they don't usually say it )

Yeah i think its weird too ! Especially because he cant call himself a refugee

Freakin terrorism... I hope that crap wont come to Denmark.

I think no country is safe, especially Denmark is so close to Germany

Terrorist attack, always connected to a particular group of people.

so sad to see this :(

What ugly news, we must pray for the world and become aware of our actions unfortunately human beings have become more violent, we have to change our hearts to do good to those around us , interesting news, you have a great blog @soldier I really admire you, you're beautiful , I follow you, we must support ourselves as a community, I would appreciate it if you give me a look at my last post and give me your opinion, greetings and success in everything! :)

Thanks, appreciated! Upvoted and commented on your latest blog :)


Oh no...

Why is a Saudi Arabian a refugee?

He isnt thats the problem. People come from around the world and are saying they are refugees and Germany takes them all. Thats one of our biggest problems here... Our country takes everyone
He even doesnt have papers to verify where he comes from

Oh damm :(

Pray for the world peace ! :(

I´ll be with you!

Because in the end , our death will lead us all to the same place . Where we can't take our money it's us, our expensive cloths , our personality , there we are all the same . It's sad seeing people take others life and think it is okay, it's sad , it's heartbreaking . It's unjust @soldier. Some stand and watch while there is some that become heros. We need more heros out there

Yes, indeed. But for now I need them (money) to buy my little Jane some milk and to host a birthday party. She's going one tomorrow.

True I agree with that, but I believe that people like Ahmed A. wont come to the same place as those who lived as heros !

They won't because their so called religion that creates peace , they think of it doing something else , not knowing that it will only bring them hell fire

Glad you weren't there when it happened. Seems like no city is safe these days.

Yeah, I was speechless but glad I wasnt there !!!!

That is just sad, why did he attack the innocent one. Who can't even properly defend himself...

thats a good question, I mean if you go out buying groceries, you dont think about someone killing you with a knife from behind right?

Sad that this has to happen. Even when going to the store I look around me. Not good to keep your eyes on your cell phone. People don't like to stab or hit people that look around and know their surroundings. They like to attack people that are too preoccupied. That way they have the surprise of attack.

So true, totally agree with you!

Wow, such an information is hard to take... thank you for this post!

Your welcome ...
I hate those informations but we should be aware of what could happen

Stay safe you are a @soldier


Thank you for this post. I lookied online for the story and I am NOT surprised that I did NOT find it in the usual places. I found the story at the link below; however, other mainstream media outlets are not covering this in USA/UK - not CNN and not BBC.
Again - thanks for the news.
Story at:

I have upvote and share your drawing ... I beg you to let you to upvote my picture .. please ...

How is a Saudi coming to Europe as a "refugee"? Did someone key his Buggati Veyron? It's ridiculous. It's hardly the first day of the Somme is it? What's he seeking refuge from?

Thats the point! Germany allows anyone who look Mediterranean to stay here in Germany as a refugee. Even if they dont have any papers and no proof of their home country

strange world where all this happens :(

"Of course we shouldn't be afraid" - At what point should one begin to be afraid if not in current situation? This change has happened quite fast and the situation doesn't seem to get any better.

I really don't like watching news anymore, everyday these kind of attacks seem to be happening around the world. Discouraging...

Hopefully things get better soon!

I really would be interested to see a graph like presentation about the rise of these kind of attacks in Europe and how it would look like. We need the data to get clear picture.

Merkel has ruined Germany and many other EU countries by letting in these jihadists who practice a religion of death. Do unto others as you would have them do to you....the Golden Rule. I suppose these savages, in their own way, live by this rule. Thank God we have Trump.

It really is a shame that this guy thinks he is doing something good... He is ruining the image of all the other Muslims like me. People need to start educating their children properly; this is NOT what Islam is about.

Another thing is that Germany clearly needs a better screening process. That Saudi Arabian is not a refugee, but rather an immigrant who took advantage of the refugee crisis. Here in Canada the screening processes are good and efficient. They take time to get all the information from newcomers. That's why we don't have nearly as many problems as Germany...

woooooowww!!How amazing!!Fantastic!well done....
keep going.....
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Omg ...bad time for family may God help them ....btw nice writer u r

People who commit such crimes should not be allowed to ever come out of jail. Then again europe's system of law is lacking for these kinds of racists crimes!

Those were horrible news for me yesterday as well.
I heard the guy got caught and he has some psychological problems.

This is very sad. Crazy to think this kind of thing is also happening in HH too now.

I lived there ten years ago, and it seems things have changed quite a lot 😢

The world is going nuts ..these attacks are happening so frequently these days

Very unfortunate incident :( Thank's the for the report!

Multiculturalism is necessary for zhe gentiles so the goyim stop to be anti-semitic. Israel will be resent for this but in time, the goyim should accept it. Soon white babies no more, as black man and white woman make brown baby instead. Then ours people own whole world! Oy vey!

Sad to see that! Hope they are ok1

"Islamic attacker" There are 1.2 billion Muslims all around the world and in the past ruled India for a 1000 years and Spain for 800 years. So they the"Muslims" had plenty of time to kill off the Hindus in India, Christians in Spain and whole bunch of people from other faiths. And if the Muslims are that barbaric why did the Jews leave Spain with the Muslims? I know you're not saying all of us go out attacking people with knives shouting Allah-huakbar. Political, personal and mental issues can lead people to carry out heinous acts.

This is not a personal attack on you. Love and peace from London and still following you.