Confidence And How To Get It - Part I

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I often receive messages on how to grow self confidence. Its not a thing you can learn just by reading this post, you need to put a lot of effort in it in order to become confident.  


I would say that a major key for my self-confidence is dancing. First when I started dancing, I was very shy. My body language was nearly screaming „Leave me alone, I´m scared“. But when I got through the journey of becoming a performer, I realized that all the fear of talking to strangers, dance in front of thousands of people even face to face at street-shows and other contact with people were no problems anymore. My whole appearance was changing because the body language always tells you how a person feels.  

My teenage years were tough and I had to make bad experiences with other girls, where I wrote about in another blog post, and this made me feel humiliating. Since then I never could go outside without taking a look in the mirror before I left to make sure everything suits perfectly and no one could ever say bad things about me. But it still happened because they felt my inner weakness.  


Before I will explain you how to grow your self-confidence, I want to show you some types of body languages which I talked earlier about.  


The first impression of a walk is significant. You will never be able to change that feeling when someone saw you for the first time so keep your head up, keep your standards high and look people straight into the eyes or above them! Never look down...

This is how you SHOULD walk! 

This is how many people walk but exactly how you shouldn´t !!!


I especially see in many meetings that many people are not in their best shape of confidence. Looking down, shoulders kept falling to the front and a very bad aura. Doesn´t matter with whom you are meeting, always look them at least into the face to show interests. 

Here you see that my chest is open and my head is up. 

Feeling alone, waiting in a lonely place for some old friends... This is what it looks like!


Every inch of your body shows how you feel, even if you are standing in line waiting to pay for your groceries. I love to watch body languages from different kind of people. 

Self-confidence means that you have a positive mindset and like to learn new skills or getting new informations 

I wanted to make this post as short as possible because part II is waiting with a lot of informations!

Today was all about the attitude and posture. Self-confidence comes from within so stay tuned for part II

Thanks for reading, I hope I got you interested 

Stay focused

Love, Soldier


I walk like this

haha I really like that. Would love to see you walking like that :D

Great post about self help!
Followed to
Check out my post and help with my personal fundraiser here!

I will have a look :)
part 2 is coming soon!

Nice post @soldier 😉
Self-Confidence, great topic for a great teacher!

thanks so much

Confidence is the most appealing attribute of the opposite sex.

Yeah I agree with that

Great tips... yes confidence can really affect you and will benefit you. You just have to be constantly aware and be disciplined to observe it. Thanks for sharing! Followed you, hoping to see more of your posts

Thanks really appreciate it !
Part 2 of this topic will come this week

Alright will be waiting for it. I am sure it deserves another upvote for a quality content.

@soldier really interesting stuff :) upvoted i hope you can look in to my short story of just 100 words and upvote i you like

I will have a look! Thanks for sharing

upvote if you like because its the motivation that drive us here

Great post, @soldier! It's amazing how much energy and emotion is conveyed by the way a person carries their physical body--it's really great that you are bringing awareness to it. I love your examples; you look like a completely different person just by how you hold yourself!

you´re right !!! People can change into seconds just by holding yourself differently ! Thanks for your comment :)

Thanks for your positive message! It's so great for girls to empower girls and encourage confidence in each other. You're adding a great value to Steemit as a positive example 💛

I agree dancing helps a lot because: Emotion comes from Motion
So you create constructive emotions by dancing it also opens the diaphragme
( respiratory system ) this gives a better posture and good posture has a lot to do with confidence. We should always pay attention to our posture.
There is another way you can open the diaphragme but I dont suggest it.
Its by eating more then necessary or by going shopping.
This is what people usually do wen they feel down.

I believe people should do what make them happy! But I will talk about the psychology in part 2 :) stay tuned

Very true. I use to be very shy that i wouldnt dance even when i was alone in my room. Ever since i started dancing at church, i am no more shy of anything

thats amazing because when you´re shy, you are going to miss so many opportunities !

Even slouching looks good on you. Very nice post!

haha thanks for the kind words

that's nice
I like it

glad you like it :)

my secret was to become numb from life. I I found women were instantly attracted to men who distanced themselves to a degree. The added mystery makes some woman intrigued and wanting more. Different strokes's also all about charisma and reading body language. Listening more then speaking.

Listening more than speaking - really like that !!!

I was once told the key to confidence is "Fake it, until you make it". Has stuck with me.

no I dont agree with that. Fake confidence is not the right way. Maybe it will look good to others but it wont feel good for yourself ! I will talk about the psychology behind confidence in part 2 :)

The first time I ever stepped up on a stage to give a talk to a thousand of my industry peers, I was nervous. But I showed confidence, even though I was petrified, great passion and professionalism. Ever since it has become easier to present in public. For me, I had to overcome my initial fears and doubts to gain confidence. I don't think that is a bad thing. :)


Thank you

Yes you can tell the difference. You give me something I can be more conscious of.

Nice ! So glad I got to inspire you

Amazing read. It's crazy the body language and psychology behind all of this.!

Yes its crazy right?
I will talk about the psychology in part 2 :) stay tuned

Very well written blog, Soldier! In my eyes, confidence in women is one of the sexiest things a girl can have! Btw, nice idea to use the GIFS!

My teenage years were tough and I had to make bad experiences with other girls, where I wrote about in another blog post
Please comment the link to this blog post, I am very curious to read it!

Oh I forgot to link it! Thanks a lot
appreciate your kind words and confidence is for sure a sexy thing on women, I totally agree

I fixed it ! :)

I enjoyed your post sooooo much. And I almost didn't bother with it...glad I took a moment here to see your sharing. I had some reallly good lol's.

And, I think your message here is so Awesome.

Posture is indeed the Post You Are. Posture is our Picture Poster. Lol i love to play with words and look for the meaning's within...anyways...just really wanted to express the awesomeness I'm seeing here in your's AweSoMe.

Steem On,
The Dream is Indeed Live,
You Got a Golden Ticket

"Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best ✨"

Love it,
Steem On

I think this is a great lesson for people. My favourite was the differentiation of the walk. Brilliant!

One thing I'd like to add though is 'smile' :) Smile constantly, and always. It's very approachable.

Yes sure smile is so important !

I like the way you walk,stand, sit and look:) thanks for sharing!!

thank YOU

Nice post i like

Cool post, the animated gifs really help explain where I've been going wrong all my life!

haha so glad I could help you :)

That was awesome and you are so right about body language and how it shows confidence. This was a very good blog. Nice work. Loved the gifs and how you incorporated them. Nice job.

Appreciate it !!!!

nice post and so true... thanks ... following

Thanks ! Appreciate it !!!!

working it gurl

Verry nice

You could probably make a room stand still with that walk! Bravo! Great post ;)

hehe thanks, I love to perform on stage and the walk is just a part of it :)

very informative, upvoted and followed :)

Thanks a lot !

Love this!! One helluva confident walk lady!!!
From the other pictures, I think my posture sometimes look like that when I am bored or alone.

I also dont look that confident when I am alone. I think I am just chilled ;)

WOW Absolutely amazing!

Thanks for taking time to put effort into your post it really means alot <3

Ohh thanks a lot for these kind words !

Similar to Steve Jobs philosphy: Assume that today was the last day of your life, what could stop you from what you wanted to.

You raise your confidence in a field where you do something more often and become better and better. You can easily be very confident in one area and in another feel very uncomfortable.

or fake it til you make it :D

I had an employee that walked like your pic and told her to change like your article mentioned. Good job on article.

hahaha you made me smile - this is so true - Posture, walking, standing! Great job with the 2 different variations! Love the examples with the walk!
Dancing is another self-confidence that screams - I don’t give a ** just moving my body and loving it! To be able to express yourself without the fear of being judged. Yes, you will be judged one way or another, even if you do wrong or do right, there will still be someone dissatisfied with your actions, so as soon as you realize that you can't satisfy everybody, you gotta satisfy YOURSELF first and live your life.
So, heads up!

self-confidence when you look like a 10 is easy...
Real self confidence comes by knowing your SELF. not from things you can do... sure dancing helps to release build up energy blockages. everything else is just masquerading.

so here is how to be 100% self-confident:

nice pose ~ soldier~~
i can feel your confidence.

That long line jacket really suits you <3

I love it! The confidence is the key!