
Good choice on @janton! He's building real relationships here!

Did you and Monster truck get the chicken coop finished? Did the storm hurt it? :'(@papa-pepper Yes, he is fun to talk to on Steemit! Lots of good information, and just what used to be called table talk.

Not yet, but it a beaut! I'm pretty impressed, but we still have to finish it.

Good things take time. He will always remember working on it with you!

Good memories are woven from many tiny pieces like this; treasure them all!

Awesome choice, he would be one of mine as well.

I have fun taking to him, he is a Mess! We end up in some weird places sometimes, but it is a good time! :)

Yep, been there, I'm not usually much of a talker, but when he comments I just have the urge to reply.

And he comments; a LOT, LOL! Good people, BUT don't tell him I said so.... :D