have you ever had a fresh cow milk from the source?if you have then i guess consumption of can milk,powdered and
condensed milk will be out of the market.
we all consume all this milk it is not as if they are not ok,but they are not as nutricious and healthy as natural cow milk
milked fresh from a cow itself.
the cow milk is highly and commonly consumed in the northern part of nigeria or some part of the world the fresh cow
milk apart from the fact that it is nutricious,it help to beautify the skin and serve as a source of protein.
the cow milk contains 285mg of calcium
protain 3.22g
fat 3.25g
vitaminD (0)21u
vitaminA (6)
a lot of food products can be gotten from milk such as cheese,cream butter and youghurt,the nutritional composition
is highly complex and it contains every nutrient the human body needs.
one good thing about the cow milk is that it replenish the skin ,and it should consumed when fresh and milked.
although when milk from the cow,it has no taste as most people cannot consumed it so therefore it however advised
for taste a little suger should be added.