TOP 10 PROFESSIONS OF THE FUTURE: what will work in the next 10-15 years?

in #life8 years ago

How hard did you decide your future profession?Don't you think that your will be in less demand in the nearest time?
Which proffesions will be popular in the next 10-15 years?Don't you think?Let's see!

The modern world is changing so quickly that mankind almost time to respond to the challenges of our time. The fact that a few years ago seemed impossible, is now becoming a reality. Technology development, open borders, the need to look at the market niches made of "white collar" to learn new skills and find new employment for themselves.

TOP 10

1) The programmer and application developer
None of the professionals couldn't consist without the IT-sphere. Computerisation, which we have in our country began to notice only at the beginning of zero, there is a rapid pace - and not going to stop. Not far away are the days when the system "smart home" and effective speech recognizers (voice control technology devices) will become everyday reality - the same as elevators, mobile phones, refrigerators. The only threat to the programmers in the labor market comes from themselves: there is no doubt that even primitive forms of artificial intelligence will be able to register at least uncomplicated codes, fall at the technical work of the mass - and depriving many programmers their jobs. In addition, it is possible that a programming language that we will use in the near future, will be qualitatively different from the existing ones, and become more similar with drawing or writing texts.

2) Engineer
Not only our country is actively engaged in the preparation of engineers - in Western countries are also an acute shortage of educated technicians felt in recent years. It is worth noting that the most valuable engineers - not just the specialists who have mastered a certain set of computational formulas and formulaic action, but people also have the creative thinking and the ability to react quickly to changing circumstances. Some analysts fear that the engineers will be largely superseded by new computer programs. But the amount of money and effort that large corporations are investing in training and education of future engineers speaks for itself: in the next 10 years, engineers are likely to be very much in demand.

3) 3D-Designer
3D-designers now demand - creation of volume models for the construction, industrial design, computer games or other purposes is paid very high. But in the future will be 3D-designers, and one more important field for the application of their skills: 3D-printers. Even today, the network can find a lot of volume patterns for your printer; and there is no doubt that in the future these models, rather than goods produced in conventional factories, light industry, will become the basis for the retail consumer.

4) Content Manager, Advertising Specialist
Despite the best efforts of programmers is that the machine lyrics leave much to be desired. Although the progress of computer technology is not stopped, the question of the potential availability of creativity (especially qualitative, rather than a model) for machine intelligence remains open. Content Manager, which combines the functions of a copywriter, editor and designer, is likely to remain one of the sought-after professionals, not only in advertising but also in the field of media and entertainment. In addition, the issues of promotion of the brand and interact with potential partners and potential customers remain quite relevant, and be too complex for computer automation.

5) Security Specialist
As soon as more and more and more financial transactions and personal data transferred to digital form, all the sharper and sharper rises the protection of this information. A significant part of the future of crime will be committed in the network, and to prevent them (as well as protection from virus attacks, spam, malicious content) becomes a very important task. But not only that it prompted us to release security specialist, as one of the most sought-after professions. The increasing complexity of weapons, the active expansion of the use of drones, drones, expanding connectivity and transmission of information - everything is far complicate the security problem. If until recent years with the security could, in general, handle any physically strong enough man not last too long preparation, it will require much more in the near future, and the crime and how to avoid them.

6) Urbanist, a specialist on Urban environments
The Earth is rapidly becoming a city of the planet, not villages. According to UN data, in 2009 the number of residents exceeded the number of villagers. In 2025, the share of urban population will grow to 77%. According to PricewaterhouseCooper's data, in 2005 the 100 largest cities in the world produced 25% of world GDP, and in 2008 already 30%. The population of 30 largest megacities by 2025 will grow by 27%. To plan, build and maintain new, fast-growing mega-cities will have a class of specialists who can create a comfortable urban environment. The State and the private construction companies will form high demand for specialists in integrated area development (transport, social sphere, attraction of investments, and so on. P.), Especially in urban areas.

7) Biotechnology, bioengineering, pharmacist
Despite the fact that many existing forecasts of experts on biotechnology are assigned first place, we did not dare to put them so high. Status and perspective of science in our country remains very uncertain - role scientists can both rise and fall finally. Although the features of the social situation and domestic policy of Russia, there is no doubt that the role of biotechnology in a global scale (and pharmaceuticals as one of their private applications) will increase sharply. Already, artificial organs and prosthetic limbs are sometimes better than those that were given to us by nature, and their ability to use and only increase in the future.

8) Specialist and an expert in the field of alternative energy
The overall share of energy derived from alternative sources has been steadily increasing: the EU, California and expect that by 2020 more than 20% of the energy will be obtained in this way. Despite the strong orientation towards Russia harvested energy, there are serious grounds to believe that the sphere of renewable energy will be developed and we have.

9) The technology of the automated technology systems
Work of the future - it is primarily a worker versed in the operation of complex automated systems. The combination of the level required for operation of engineering knowledge and repair skills will allow these people to easily find a decent job after 10 years.

10) Food industry specialist
The profession of agronomist and the farmer's most experts considered endangered: in the developed countries of the First World small farmers for more than 15 years, constantly teetering on the brink of ruin, surviving mainly due to government subsidies. Power for the future of most forecasts - is, alas, not a natural, "natural" food, and the food from the ever-increasing proportion of additives, or obtained from sources unfamiliar to us. Specialists of the food industry, with expertise in biology and engineering, will be the main producers of food for the inhabitants of the vast majority of countries.

Which profession will you recommend your chid?It's just your choice!
Thanks for your attention
Your Olga


aaaaaa the top lists, the best clickbait posts ever invented

It's just your opinion and your choice agree or disagree with this post.The information isn't taken from the air.

The most important one is a programmer, right ? And steemit has a hard core of devs, crypto guys or other IT passionate guys.

Nice move :)))

In 10 years maybe you're right. In 50 years we can't even conceive the future proffesions. 50 years ago nobody thought that the services will bring much more money than the production.
10 years ago nobody thought smartphones will have a much much more reach and would be much more profitable than the good old desktop PCs.

Yes,I agree that in 50 years the world will change on the great level.But in the nearest 10 years these professions will also have their place in the world.