To be confident you MUST LOVE YOURSELF.I suppose that every one has felt oneself uncomfortable in one or another situation.I will help you to change the situation!
Your task will be to follow such Rules:
1.Stop criticizing. Criticism never let anyone change.When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative. When you approve of yourself - you change positively.
2.Stop the bully themselves, terrorizing himself by his own thoughts. This is a terrible way to live. Find yourself a way that is pleasing to you and switch from frightening thoughts you to enjoyable.
3.Be generous, kind and patient. Be generous to yourself. Be kind to yourself. Be patient as you master the new way of thinking. Treat yourself as a truly loved one.
4.Be kind to your mind. Hating himself - to hate his thoughts. It is better to change them.
5.Praise yourself. Criticism breaks down the inner spirit. Praise strengthens it. Praise yourself as much as possible. Say to yourself, how well do you deal with every detail!
6.Keep yourself. Find ways to support yourself. Refer to a friend and let them help you quite natural to ask for help when you need itnegative behaviors.
7.Take care of your body. Learn how to eat right. Gently love and respect the temple in which you live.
8.Work with a mirror. Most look myself in the eye. At least you tell yourself every day: "I love you I really love you."
9.Do it now. Do not wait until you will improve things, you will lose weight, find a new job or have forged new links. Start right now and do your best.
You are wonderful
Your Olga
Enjoyed the read. You make a lot of great points and I generally agree with you. I'd say that self-criticism is good when it's positive though, as sometimes we have to be our own parents and say "No!"
It's human to make mistakes and do silly things and I think it's good to admit that to ourselves, as a motivator to become better, rather than beating ourselves up over it. Confidence is a great thing to have but it's much better when it's aimed in a good, constructive direction. Keep up the awesome work :)
Yes,I agree with your words,your addition sounds like one more Step for my post :)Hi @shredlord!Thank for your comment!