Dealing With Life's Failures

in #life7 years ago

Anyone who has had problems in life has overcome them to find success, and you must have a plan for dealing with failure that will make you a more productive person. The choices that you make will change the way you live your life, and you will feel much more confident because you are using this plan to get over your failures. There are many failures that people have because they just need another chance, and you need to talk it out with someone so they can give you some perspective.

The choices that you make after a failure will determine how you perform, and you are much better off getting back on the house and trying again the next day.


Failures build us more than our successes.

Interesting article with a deep insight into succes and failure. Life is full of choices. It's always worth taking a chance and if you fail there is always another chance.

Right. We choose what we want to become.

I have some stoics doctrine for this :)

Always think about the worst to prepare yourself psychology for any kind of failure :D

Haha.. If it helps you.

I agree with you
Sometimes when we fail , we can not stand again
Most of people like that.
We have to learn from Thomas alfa Edison that have been failed for 99.999 Times . But at the 100.000 experiment, he did itu. If Thomas stop at 99.999 Times , he Will not create hit creation at that time.

We have to take the motivation from him.

Nice post mr @simonjones

This is a great post. But the biggest lie of them all is the world could possibly be flat!! Do you think the world is flat? I know this sounds absurd but it's all over net surely it should be looked into. Can you imagine how much money NASA has gone through and they could be full of shit.

LOL. I believe the world is round. There is much more evidence for that. Soon you'll be able to go up in space and see for yourself :) SpaceX

But there is no proof of curvature except for NASA. But there is proof using high power cameras sometimes for 40 miles there is no curvature. Ships go into the horizon and disappear what appears to be under the curve. But when you bring out the high power camera and repoint at ship it reappears.!

Every country has its own space program. It's not only NASA lol

But there is no proof of curvature except for what NASA and the rest of the agencies said. they're all in on it. There is proof using high power cameras sometimes for 40 miles there is no curvature. Ships go into the horizon and disappear what appears to be under the curve. But when you bring out the high power camera and repoint at ship it reappears.

Articale is about success of life, no dought if chance missed it will take long time to return back, but one think should realized that is effort with confidence, confidence will build after getting proper information of the goal, then efforts could be done!

pretty much interesting.

Motivational , sending the message out , that u live by what u choose , u can give up and lose be depressed or fight live , win and create ur own version of happiness.

Sort of like that boxing analogy of getting knocked down, getting back up and get back into the fight.

Failure is part of learning. Feeling that you are 'a worthless piece of crap' because you failed is a misunderstanding of how life actually works. Incidentally, this is one of the reasons coaching works so well, it helps us to find and correct the misunderstandings that get in our (own) way.

Thank for posting
Very lovely article
Keep it up

Hi there, Nice to read your perspective on failures. However I don't believe in failures. I think failures are created by society. People should more chose for their own luck and happiness. Keep your main goal for life in sight and try to achieve that what you want. After all, who tries to achieve his/her life goal, lives a failure free life :) Cheers, Jessie

Always be positive

Very good! Thanks

I don't think you should have a plan to deal with the failures. We never know that we will fail. We believe that we will succeed and that is why we step out to do something. Instead of planning what to do when we fail, we should just focus on our KARMA, and if we fail, we should not loose hope and just keep moving. Planning is good, but only it is for short term. One shouldn't plan a long way where everything is uncertain. Deal with things on the spot instead of planning for what might take place.

I also wrote this article long time back which depicts how important and valuable failure is. Check it out if you feel like. Here it is titles as - THE BLESSING OF FAILURE.

Keep up the good work. :)

@simjones - We admit that we experience it. Despite the universality of failure, our world goes to great lengths to hide it. People always have and people always will. Our default position too often is to downplay our weaknesses, but those who find growth in failure begin by simply admitting its existence in their lives.

  • We recognize failure is common. And because we know all experience it, we find comfort knowing we are not alone in it.
  • We look for personal responsibility. Our initial tendency is often to blame others or uncontrollable, external factors. After all, to admit defeat is to admit defeat. But rarely are the failures in our lives entirely the responsibility of someone else. And until we take personal responsibility in some capacity, we can never move on to the next step.
    -We process our weakness. Socrates once said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” This holds true in both success and failure. When failure occurs, which it always will, the wisest of us journey inward to determine the cause and intentional steps we can take to learn from the experience. And in time, we learn to champion humility.
  • We let go of the factors outside our control. One of the most hope-filled moments in life is when we find the courage to let go of what we cannot change.