I was caught in a cycle of finding external motivational highs and then crashing when they couldn't sustain me. Something inside me felt broken but I didn't know what it was, I didn't know what needed to be fixed. My memories are rife with feelings of shame over being an emotional mess and not being able to grin and bare with daily life, like everyone around me, in order to be productive.
I never imagined that there wasn't actually anything broken and that I just didn't understand my emotions and needs.
Enter NVC or Non-Violent Communication from Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD. This book is helping me save my life. I have found that emotions are guides, not hindrances, towards the things that I want. I understand people so differently and its reflected in the quality of my writings. There is so much to learn about myself and other people using the gems between the pages of this book.
I really can't say enough positive things about this book without slipping further into incoherent fan-boying so I'll just let my readers discover it on their own.
Play to Evolve.If you already know about NVC and are looking for tools to help you learn or spread it take a look at @scottermonkey's blog here on Steemit as well as his card game based off NVC
Additionally I have made some flashcards for Anki to help you expand your inventory of:
Negative Feelings and the needs associated with them
Life Preserver: http://ibpf.org/blog/life-preserver
Captain Jack: http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/captain-jack-sparrow/images/35851913/title/love-those-moments-photo
NVC: (c) 2005 by Center for Nonviolent Communication
Website: www.cnvc.org Email: cnvc@cnvc.org
Phone: +1.505.244.4041
Yay, Jonathan! I'm glad you are finding yourself! And thanks for the mentions!