
This made me a bigger Alex Jones fan.

You like zionism?

No. Do you like 70%+ of the American population ignorant to the damages of fluoride, vaccines, chemtrails, false flags, big pharma, MIC, CIA, the pedophilic Luciferian money riggers, the satanic media and Hollywood? Well, that's what Alex Jones is talking about. Not how we need to protect Israel. Do you like Islam?

It's israel funding all those things and jones too - not islam!

You don't think your meme lumps in Jews with globalists, when clearly not all globalists are Jews and not all Jews are globalist? They're a people, a successful group who needs to be watched and judged accordingly but the NWO and the Rothschilds are satanic Luciferians, not Jewish... I think there is a respectable difference.

Isn't it the Khazarian/Jewish mafia? Not Judaism per se?

True but that is precisely who jones is working for, and the jews are who the zionists are using and hiding behind

But yeah this audio is definitely connecting dots for me! Thank you!.. :)

For sure Hillary was Rothschild scum. @sift666 probably thinks Trump is paid off by Israel too.. -_- but that leaves no options! What do you think about Trump, @steemtruth?