Before the community quarantine, I am eager to go home. I am about to purchase a ticket going home. But, my boss suppressed me. 'Coz he said there is nothing to worry. Even when lockdown occurs we will still continue working - the stay in.
Then, today my boss declared that it is now our last day of work. Imagine that!? He never thinks of his people. He never give assistance to his workforce. I feel so sad for myself and my workmates who chose to stay than to go home.
What will happen to the next coming days, weeks and months while pandemic not yet over.
i dont think you should travel but just stay where ever you are. if you travel you might endanger the place you call home with the virus. lock down means lock down. i havent gone out of my room for over 2 weeks except for shopping.
your boss also does not seem to understand how much risk you put your self and your family in by simply traveling between work and home. that is the perks of being in an invisible apocalypse. you dont actually see the people in the hospitals. make sure on your way between work and home you dont touch your face, and when you arrive you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap. dont handshake. if you cough or sneeze do so in your elbow. absolutely do not travel anywhere.
Thank you so much for the kind words. For now, I can't go home. But, when this pandemic is over I will surely go home.
And yes, I am staying in my place. I didn't go out for shopping for about a week already.
I always do wash my hands and using alcohol most of the time.
Thank you for the concern.
Keep safe! God bless!
Well, at least you got an additional week or so of pay that others did not. 😉