FLAT EARTH? What? THat's a Thing? Yes it is and here is why.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hello Everyone,

Today I'm going to talk discuss a topic that has been bothering me for awhile. I will be the first one to say that I sounds like a Looney, but before I get dismissed there are real questions to ask. Have you ever watched a ship go out into the ocean and disappeared over the Horizon? Have you ever zoomed in to see that the ship is actually still there and not over the horizon.


Yep the boats are still there.

When I was a kid growing up me and my family use to take trips to Newfoundland and take the farry across from Nova Scotia To Newfoundland. I always remembered seeing the lighthouse from really far away like 20-30 miles away. Never Thought Anything of it Because I was "Taught" that there Earth was undeniably a Globe. This is the thing.

My biggest problem with the Globe Theory is the Math. The calculation for the curvature of the Earth is as Follows. 1 mile = 8 inches squared. This means that every mile there should be 5 ft of Curvature. 8 inches squared is 8 x 8 = 64 inches which is 5 feet.


So if this was the Case Those Light Houses i was Seeing at least 20 miles minimum off shore. It still took use like an hour or so to reach them. They should have according to the Curvature of the Earth Math been 100 or more ft below the horizon. Meaning I shouldn't have seen them at all. WHAT?????

Let's ask some more questions... How about how fast the Earth Rotates. Hmmm Apparently 1000mph at the Equator and around 700mph closer to the poles according to Main Stream Science. They are almost starting to be like the main stream Media AKA FAKE NEWS.

Think about it. If there Earth is Rotate East TO West this quickly How in the World would anyplane be able to Travel West? An airplane goes maybe 700 mph MAYBE, but we are told the Earth is moving Faster. And don't give me the crap about oh we are attached to the Earth and don't feel the spin because we are one with it.

Heres another question. If the Earth is moving that fast how come instead of flying East lets say Winnipeg to Halifax. Why not just hover about the Earth and let our destination come to us. As Humans we would have figured the Lazy Way out by now. And have you ever heard of centrifugal force?? If the Earth was rotating 1000 MPH at the EQUATOR wouldn't all the water gather at the Equator?

OH and another question. So let's say we are flying around the world from new york to Paris. If there is a curvature of the Earth wouldn't The PAssengers feel a sensation of the airplane nose always pointed downwards? If the plane actually flew level like we experience wouldn't we just go out of Earth's Orbit or at least attempt to unless our nose on the plane was always pointed down to compensate for the CURVATURE.

Heres another one. The North Star. Never Moves, an infact all the other stars circle around it.




Sooooooo Shouldn't all the star movements be running WEST TO EAST?????????? How come they are circling above us around the North star?

Yes lots of question with BS answers if you ask me. Always some nonlogical explanation. Gravity or Illusions they say.

Heres is a video with a guy comparing what the mountain ranges should look like on a Globe.

Now I not the type a person to just bring stuff up because it's BS or just plain stupid. I bring it up because these are Legitimate Questions that are not explained.

Sure there are attempts to explain the questions. No real answers. Everyone references Neil Degrasse. He Himself says earth is shaped more like a pear.

ANyways I call BS. FOr this reason

Everyone Picture you see of Earth is a globe earth and not a pear. OOh maybe just maybe those pictures of earth are man made on a CPU perhaps. CGI is really good nowadays. Notice how there is never any stars in the pics of Earth. And don't worry there is a nice excuse for that too.



Jeez South american Looks to be at Antarctica on the Second Photo. All CGI. FIND ME A REAL PHOTO PLEASE. I CHALLENGE ANY OF YOU.

See what Neil Degrasse is Trying to explain about the "Pear shaped Earth"is this.


In a Flat Earth Map Antarctica is a huge circle. And instead of us rotating, the stars Rotate around us.

As for the Moon and the SUn. Heres a vid to explain

And another to explain the seasons.

I figure it's better than me explaining that. Here are some High Altitiude cams. Where is the Curvature. The only Way you can Get it is with a Fish eye lense.

Now The hole satellite question. I haven't found a good enough answer yet. Still up for debate with everything else i presented tonight. I guess the question is why would people want to lie to us about a Globe Earth, whats the point?

To MAKE US FEEL UNIMPORTANT. To make us feel like we are just a SPEC of dust in the "universe". In the Flat Earth Model we are the center of the Universe. Look at how the stars Rotate around us and not vice versa.

Now i'm not a holy guy or anything but I have a spiritual side and because of Fibonacci ratios found in nature i do believe in a higher power there are scientific clues that can actually be duplicated in tests.

Have you ever Heard the Saying God Created us in his Image?

Now I don't think the Creator Looks Human or anything. That is Man playing with history i think. That saying Meant that he made us as Creators. Look at us that is what the Human Species is designed for. Creation. We do it so well and we can get better at it as long as we are not regulated to death.

We are more important than you think. If you think otherwise, you just haven't found your calling. The main thing is always be asking questions, seeking answers and producing solutions for your fellow man.

If we forget that we are Unique and special, then we fall. Simple. This is possibly why the BLOCKCHAIN has been invented. The Free Humanity from the grasps of the Money Changers who financed our education of course.

There you have it my presentation on Flat Earth and why I question the Globe Earth Now.

Let me know what you think. Upvote if you think it's worth it and Resteem if you find it important. Thank you. Any ridicule is welcome.



here is a live feed from the iss

Although I think flat earth theory is bollocks, I fully defend your right to do a post about it and am appalled that your post is being censored - I'm up voting it for that reason, not because I think the content checks out. Censorship in all forms sucks.

COOl. I was once like you until i started question the Math and science that i've been taught and took for granted. Do yourself a favour and just check out the math of the globe. It doesn't add up to reality. Also I agree screw censorship, it's how information is hidden and kept away from the public.

One of my favourite people online is the artist David Dees - I often use his art on my websites - but I disagree with him about two things:

Vegetarianism (he recently became one, and we are a chapter of the Weston A Price Foundation - meat is a key nutrient)

Flat earth theory - many years ago in a past life I got a degree in geography. In general I disagree with almost most mainstream opinion. But in this case I'm mainstream.

And my opinion of sites like one this is low...


Ya i understand. However I would like the Curvature Equation fixed. It does not add up to perception or reality. That is my biggest issue is the Math that is given to us.

it does not move in a straight line, and you do not see it, it is the same curve as it would on any horizon on the vertical plane.

if something that has been set at a straight line does not continue in a straight line, then it is going on a curve.
a curve would mean that there would be more of a curve the farther out you go and i am meaning FAR.

it is all a subjective matter. despite the physical reality you can think that we are all just one man in a box for all i care.

you just pissed me off, thank you. i like the heat of anger typing. makes my brain work.

thank you for your time and i hope that you have a good one!

Hello Sir. I do not mean to piss you off. Understandable. Just notice on the video you showed me. At approx 2:45 the video changed the shot. Notice how the smoke coming out of the rocket is different between the two. Maybe the second shot was CGI with a nice Blackout phase. The first shot showed the rocket started to curve parrell with the earth. If you want to get in to moon landings let me know. However I do not want to piss you off. I do like debates though.
