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RE: Why I Stopped Drinking Alcohol And Will Never Drink Again

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Excellent post. I agree 100 percent. For a long time, I felt that I needed alcohol or drugs to be accepted, to be liked, to be smart, and to be funny. I was disillusioned. If anything, just like you, I became less of all those things.

It took me almost 20 years to realize the same as you did: that alcohol was only destroying all in my life that I treasured most. It wasn't easy, by an means. But it gets EASIER. I'm curious, was there a tipping point for you that caused the change?

For myself, it was the consequences. I couldn't hang on to anything meaningful, whether it be relationships or finances. After putting it down, I had to enter a rehab center to stop for good, I started to get more motivated. More ambitious. I worked harder. I developed better and lasting relationships. I met the woman of my dreams. I got involved in crypto-currencies and anarcho-capitalism.

In all seriousness, no one could give me a million bucks to drink again. I have an awesome and fulfilling life and it all started with the decision to put the stuff down for good and get some help.

I've been blogging about similar stuff here on Steemit, and this is the second post I've seen today about someone saying that their life changed for the better after stopping. I think it's really awesome man!! Much love! Maybe I'll see you at Anarchapulco someday . . . but I'd have to get a passport first haha

Looking forward to tomorrow's post . .


Good for you! It's a tough thing to change but it will absolutely change the way you look at the world. The older I get, the less I miss not drinking. It all started for me when my kids were young. I wanted to set a good example for them and not be like my dad. I stopped the family disease and my life is better for it.''