Snakes are friends of human don,t kill them Please

in #life7 years ago

Hello all guys many people think that snake are enemy of us that wrong thoughts, Snakes are friends of human don,t kill them Please ,in India worship the snake ,There are more than 3,000 species of snakes in all world ,but all have not poison, According world health organisation ( WHO) there 600 spices of snakes that are dangerous for us ,King cobra,black mamba,Common krait,Russell's viper etc is no 1st i can kill his target less than one minute ,but all are not dangerous you can place them at home ,i introduce some snakes that are friendly snake .

Anacondas is largest of snakes in the world. length between 25 -30 feet and weigh up to 230 kilograms. Anacondas can be found in tropical rain forests of South America. Anaconda are friendly and Non-Venomous.
2-Northern water snakes
found in the Northeastern United States. It is a non-venomous snake that inhabits in rivers, ponds, marshes,lakes, bogs.